Occupational Medicine This fact that this book was first published 30 years ago and is now in its 9th edition is testament to its importance and success in providing students with a framework for exploring the field of medical ethics and law... This new edition of the book continues to evolve to reflect changes in ethical opinion as well as to encompass new case material, judicial decisions and statutory instruments... For students, both undergraduate and postgraduate, this book should be
essential reading... For the rest of us with a more general interest in bioethics and the law this book provides a valuable source of information and reference which should be accessible on every library shelf.
<br>Kenyon Mason, Professor (Emeritus) of Forensic Medicine, and Honorary Fellow of the School of Law, at the University of Edinburgh, Graeme Laurie, Professor of Medical Jurisprudence at the University of Edinburgh and Founding Director of the JK Mason Institute for Medicine, Life Sciences and the Law. <br>Kenyon Mason is Professor (Emertius) of Forensic Medicine, and Honorary Fellow of the School of Law, at the University of Edinburgh <p>Graeme Laurie is Professor of Medical Jurisprudence at the University of Edinburgh and Founding Director of the JK Mason Institute for Medicine, Life Sciences and the Law.<br>
PART 1 - FRAMEWORKS ; 1. Medical ethics and medical practice ; 2. Public Health and the state/patient relationship ; 3. Health rights and obligations in the European Union ; PART 2 - FUNDAMENTALS ; 4. Consent to treatment ; 5. Liability for medical injury ; 6. Medical confidentiality ; PART 3 - REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE ; 7. Genetic information and the law ; 8. The management of infertility and childlessness ; 9. The control of fertility ; 10. Civil and criminal liability in reproductive medicine ; PART 4 - MEDICINE IN THE COMMUNITY ; 11. Health resources and dilemmas in treatment ; 12. Treatment of the aged ; 13. Mental health and human rights ; 14. The body as property ; PART 5 - THE END OF LIFE ; 15. Medical futility ; 16. The diagnosis of death ; 17. The donation of organs and transplantation ; 18. Termination of life ; PART 6 - BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH ; 19. Research and experimentation ; 20. Research on children, fetuses and embryos