New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 146
Shibao Guo is an associate professor in adult learning at the University of Calgary and currently serves as the president of the Canadian Ethnic Studies Association and as a coeditor of Canadian Ethnic Studies. Elizabeth Lange is an associate professor in the Department of Adult Education at St. Francis Xavier University, Canada, and is also an associate editor for the Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education.
EDITORS NOTES 1 Shibao Guo, Elizabeth Lange 1. The Changing Nature of Adult Education in the Age of Transnational Migration: Toward a Model of Recognitive Adult Education 7 Shibao Guo This chapter maps the changing context of transnational migration and its impact on adult education and proposes recognitive adult education as an inclusive model of adult education. 2. Settlement Services in the Training and Education of Immigrants: Toward a Participatory Mode of Governance 19 Hongxia Shan This chapter reviews the roles that settlement services have played historically in the training and education of immigrants in Canada and promotes a participatory mode of governance as a means to expanding immigrants life world. 3. Informal Adult Learning and Emotion Work of Service Providers for Refugee Claimants 29 Susan M. Brigham, Catherine Baillie Abidi, Evangelia Tastsoglou, Elizabeth Lange Recognizing the life and death realities of refugees who are claiming asylum in another country, this chapter examines the informal learning and emotion work of service providers who accompany refugee claimants through the refugee application process. 4. Language Policies and Programs for Adult Immigrants in Canada: Deconstructing Discourses of Integration 41 Yan Guo From a critical multicultural approach, this chapter explores the various purposes of English as a Second Language (ESL) programs and the policy shifts over time, and it deconstructs discourse that is assimilationist in intent. 5. Literacy and Language Education: The Quantification of Learning 53 Tara Gibb This chapter describes international policy contexts of adult literacy and language assessment and considers the implications that the quantification of learning outcomes has for pedagogy and practice as well as for social inclusion of transnational migrants. 6. Migrating Professional Knowledge: Progressions, Regressions, and Dislocations 65 Bonnie L. Slade This chapter argues that adult educators need to have a critical awareness of transnational migration dynamics to be able to work in meaningful ways with immigrant professionals, particularly in regard to deskilling issues. 7. Race and Gender in Immigration: A Continuing Saga With Different Encryptions 75 Edward Joaquin, Juanita Johnson-Bailey From a postcolonial framework, this chapter offers a historical analysis of the immigrant experience, highlighting raced and gendered perspectives that have shaped a persistent colonial mindset, and the potential of transnational adult education for social inclusion. 8. Diaspora, Migration, and Globalization: Expanding the Discourse of Adult Education 87 Mary V. Alfred This article explores how notions of diaspora,migration, and globalization intersect to inform identities and social realities of immigrant adults. 9. Rethinking Social Justice and Adult Education for Welcoming, Inclusive Communities: Synthesis of Themes 99 Elizabeth Lange, Catherine Baillie Abidi In synthesizing themes across preceding chapters using a more expansive social justice frame, this chapter discusses the historical and transnational dynamics of migration and profiles adult education spaces as places for building welcoming, inclusive communities. INDEX 111