Acclaimed historian of revolution introduces the manifesto that inspired the American Revolution, on the 200th anniversary of its author's death. Published to commemorate the bicentennial of Thomas Paine's death, these texts have remained two of the most influential arguments for liberty in politica[...]
In their straight-talk couple's memoir, "Carry-on Baggage: Our Nonstop Flight," Cynthia Bailey Thomas and Peter Thomas chronicle their journey of raising a blended family, running a mini-empire, and keeping the fire burning in marriage after age forty. The book's title is a playful euphemism that de[...]
Thomas Ekberg, en av Sveriges mest publika jägare med massor av tv-filmer om jakt, har levt med och för jakten redan innan han klev ur kortbyxorna. En av hans deviser är att vilt ska vårdas hela vägen från skogen till köket. Att ta hand om vilt efter skottet är inte bara ett intresse, det ä[...]
A critical examination of urban policies and management practices used to make cities sustainable. With an international perspective, the book describes urban environmental agendas and how they arose in the context of globalization, urban economic restructuring, and the need to make cities competiti[...]
In 1810, John Jacob Astor sent out two advance parties to settle the wild, unclaimed western coast of North America. More than half of his men died violent deaths. The others survived starvation, madness, and greed to shape the destiny of a continent.At a time when the edge of American settlement ba[...]
Peter Ackroyd's The Life of Thomas More is a masterful reconstruction of the life and imagination of one of the most remarkable figures of history. Thomas More (1478-1535) was a renowned statesman; the author of a political fantasy that gave a name to a literary genre and a worldview (Utopia); and,[...]
EXAM PREP GUIDE Ace your preparation for the skills measured by Exam 70-462 -- and on the job -- with this official Microsoft study guide. Work at your own pace through a series of lessons and reviews that fully cover each exam objective. Then, reinforce and apply what you've learned through real-wo[...]
THE NEW AMERICAN COMMENTARY is for the minister or Bible student who wants to understand and expound the Scriptures. Notable features include: * commentary based on THE NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION;* the NIV text printed in the body of the commentary;* sound scholarly methodology that reflects capable [...]
Peter Lorre described himself as merely a "face-maker." His own negative attitude also characterizes traditional perspectives on the actor's career which position Lorre as a tragic figure within film history: the promising European artist reduced to a Hollywood gimmick, unable to escape the murderou[...]
Although writing predominantly in the English language, Dylan Thomas is regarded as many as Wales' finest poet. He became popular in his lifetime and remained so after his premature death. In his later life he acquired a reputation, which he encouraged, as a "roistering, drunken and doomed poet". B[...]
Thomas Feichtner (b. 1970) is an Austrian designer who, after considerable successes in the field of industrial design (ski bindings, ball-point pens, fire extinguishers), has recently begun to turn heads again with his unusual approach to design. His new work in the area of furniture and object des[...]
The Winterthur architect Peter Kunz is well known for his stringent residential buildings in development zones located between urbanity and nature. This book not only documents twelve of his buildings, but also creates an impressive dialogue between the view of the Winterthur photographer Claudia Lu[...]
Ein Phänomen, welches Falladas literarisches Schaffen begleitet, ist sein großer Publikumserfolg einerseits und die zwiespältige Rezeption seines Werkes in einschlägigen literarischen Fachkreisen, zum Beispiel Literaturkritiker bei Zeitungen und Zeitschriften, anderseits. In diesen Kreisen ist d[...]
Thomas Ekberg är en av landets mest kända jägare. Efter 20 år framför kameran i jaktfilmer och teveproduktioner har han en svårslagen position som kändis i Jaktsverige. Vilket inte är så konstigt. Få kan matcha hans erfarenhet av jakt och vilt.
-För mig är jakten mer än upplevelsen[...]
Vildsvin är vårt nya högvilt, en stor natur-resurs. Nya studier pekar på att den svenska vildsvinsstammen kommer att fortsätta växa i 30 år till. Allt fler jägare, allt längre norrut i landet, får det nygamla viltet till sina marker. Man räknar med att 100 000 vildsvin måste fällas varj[...]
Covers the disorders of the peripheral nervous system including their clinical, neurophysiologic, pathologic and biochemical features. Extensive illustrations and chapter outlines are provided for enhanced learning and quick reference.[...]
The book is a timeless art form, one that is as alive today as ever before, and artists continue to explore and explode the boundaries of what a book is and can be. In this beautiful collection, you will experience close-up various aspects of hand-crafted books: covers, bindings, scrolls, folded and[...]
Acclaimed biographer Peter Ackroyd vibrantly resurrects the legendary epic of Camelot in this modern adaptation. The names of Arthur, Merlin, Lancelot, Guinevere, Galahad, the sword of Excalibur, and the court of Camelot are as recognizable as any from the world of myth. Although many versions exist[...]