At the heart of the popularity of such spiritual teachers as Eckhart Tolle and Ken Wilber lies the spirit and intellectual passion of the seminal teacher who inspired them all?Alan Watts. Now, in response to our run-away bestselling audio collection Out of Your Mind, Sounds True is proud to present [...]
Philosopher, author, and lecturer Alan Watts (1915-1973) popularized Zen Buddhism and other Eastern philosophies for the counterculture of the 1960s. Today, new generations are finding his writings and lectures online, while faithful followers worldwide continue to be enlightened by his teachings. T[...]
Philosopher, author, and lecturer Alan Watts (1915-1973) popularized Zen Buddhism and other Eastern philosophies for the counterculture of the 1960s. Today, new generations are finding his writings and lectures online, while faithful followers worldwide continue to be enlightened by his teachings. T[...]
When you're in a band led by Keith Richards and Mick Jagger, chances are you might spend much of your time in the shadows. But Charlie Watts, drummer for the Stones for 40 years, has been much of the band's backbone, keeping them together by bringing vitality to their music, artistry to their album [...]
Alan Watts was the most prominent personality of the Zen Buddhism, who popularized the Eastern philosophy for the Western world. This naturalized American author's writings were particularly famous among the so-called "beat generation" of the late 1950s and early 1960s. He is the author of more than[...]
Alan Watts är känd som en lysande västerländsk introduktör till buddhismen. Under sin livstid uppnådde han gurustatus – trots att han kraftfullt avsade sig alla sådana anspråk – och hann skriva flera uppskattade böcker om österländskt tänkande. I den här boken, som är en saml[...]
Tämän kirjan avulla jokainen voi ennustaa säätä!Kun taivas näyttää tietynlaiselta, siitä seuraa usein tietynlaista säätä. Tämä ainutlaatuinen kirja sisältää 24 erilaisista pilvimuodostelmista ja opettaa tulkitsemaan taivasta, havaitsemaan vihjeitä ja ennustamaan sään kehittymistÃ[...]
"Anyone whose life needs a course correction would be fortunate to be guided by "The Wisdom of Insecurity." My life still is, some thirty years later." --Deepak Chopra, from the Introduction
Alan W. Watts's "message for an age of anxiety" is as powerful today as it was when this modern classic w[...]
A 2 part book where the first part provides the history and background of Zen and the second deals with its principles and practices. Intended both for the general reader and for the more serious student. Bibliography.[...]
This study of the necessity of mystical religion, also shows how traditional Western doctrine can be reconciled with the intuitive religion of the Orient.
Comments Upon Original Publication OfBehold The Spirit"I regard [the] book as one of the best -- in fa[...]
The six essays in this volume all deal with the relationship of mystical experience to ordinary life. The title essay on "cosmic consciousness" includes the author's account of his own ventures into this inward realm. "Instinct, Intelligence, and Anxiety" is a study of the paradoxes of self-consciou[...]
These ruminations, assembled in the form of a journal and here published in paperback for the first time, were written at Alan Watts' retreat in the foothills of Mount Tamalpais, California. Many current themes are discussed, including meditation, nature, established religion, race relations, karma [...]
A witty attack on the illusion that the self is a separate ego that confronts a universe of alien physical objects.[...]
A provocative and enduring work that reexamines humanity's place in the natural world -- and the spirit's relation to the flesh -- in the light of Chinese Taoism.That human beings stand separate from a nature that must be controlled, that the mind is somehow superior to the body, and that all sexual[...]
What does it mean to be a Muslim - in this world, in this deeply transformative time? Hamid Dabashi ask this seminal question anew, in the context of what he proposes is a post-Western world where the "Islam and the West" binary is collapsing and where "the West," as a construct, no longer holds the[...]