Title: The History of King Philip's War. By Benjamin Church or rather, written by T. Church from notes by B. Church]. A reprint of the first edition, 1716.] With an introduction and notes by Henry Martin Dexter.Publisher: British Library, Historical Print EditionsThe British Library is the nationa[...]
Calculus hasn't changed, but your students have. Today's students have been raised on immediacy and the desire for relevance, and they come to calculus with varied mathematical backgrounds. Thomas' Calculus, Twelfth Edition, helps your students successfully generalize and apply the key ideas of calc[...]
Q Methodology defines the distinctive set of psychometric and operational principles which, when combined with specialized statistical applications of correlation and factor-analysis techniques, provide researchers with a systematic and rigorously quantitative means for examining human subjectivity.[...]
The B-2A 'Spirit' was an aircraft conceived to fight the Cold War (1946-1991) but which has proved invaluable to both the 'New World Order' and more recently the 'War on Terrorism'. The combination of low-observability, precision strike, range and payload flexibility has made the 'Spirit' the weapon[...]
Completely updated with the latest information on resorts, restaurants, and shopping, this new edition covers St. Thomas as well as nearby St. John and describes the unique charms of each. Including information on intimate inns, beachside bars, breathtaking scenery, exhilarating boat and snorkel tr[...]
The book comprises a selection of papers delivered at the 24th IVR World Congress, divided into four sections. The first, Human Rights and Justice in a Global Perspective, centres on the problems of the foundation of Human Rights and the legitimacy of Political Power. The second deals with Public Po[...]
Divided into four sections, this volume contains a selection of papers delivered at the 24th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR). The first section of the book centers on the problems of the foundation of human rights and justice in a glo[...]
Forlaget skriver: Biologisystemet BIOS, Grundbog B rummer det faglige basisstof fordelt på 12 emner:
* Skov
* Kyst og hav
* Koralrev
* Mad og sundhed
* Nydelsesmidler og rusmidler
* Bæredygtig udvikling
* Genetik
* Bioteknologi
* Pelsdyr[...]
Dette er en ny udgave af Kolorit - matematik for 3. klasse, bog B, som er den anden af to elevbøger til 3. klasse i matematiksystemet Kolorit.
I denne udgave er tilføjet 16 helt nye sider. I slutningen af hvert kapitel er tilføjet hhv. en evalueringsside, 'Jeg kan' og en side med blandede [...]
Forlaget skriver: Afsætning niveau B lærebog er i overensstemmelse med fagplan og undervisningsvejledning for Afsætning B på den nye hhx.
Undervisningspakken er bygget op om dette koncept:
* Elevvenligt sprog
* Interessevækkende layout
* [...]
Forlaget skriver: Virksomhedsøkonomi B er i overensstemmelse med fagplan og undervisningsvejledning for Virksomhedsøkonomi B på den nye hhx.
Undervisningspakken er bygget op om følgende koncept:
* Elevvenligt sprog
* Interessevækkende layou[...]
Biologi för gymnasieskolan omfattar faktaböcker för kurs 1 och 2 i biologi enligt GY 2011, samt för "gamla" A- och B-kursen.
I serien ingår också en lärarhandledning och en webbtjänst till A-boken. Ett evolutionärt perspektiv präglar innehållet i böckerna. Texterna är resonerande oc[...]
En pedagogisk lösningsbok till problemboken Matematik från A till E kurs B, ISBN: 9789147016778.
Boken innehåller fullständiga lösningar till alla uppgifter i problemboken. Illustrationer, grafer och diagram i underlättar förståelsen av lösningsförfarandet.
Ninety-five years ago, as the Titanic slowly sank, a 'mystery' ship was seen as she slipped below the waves. Thinking it would be their salvation, rockets were fired from Titanic to attract the unknown ship, but to no avail. With 1,500 souls on board, Titanic foundered, but what of the mystery ship?[...]
Hyman G. Rickover was not long removed from his Jewish roots in Poland when he graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1922. After a respectable career spent mostly in unglamorous submarine and engineering billets, he took command of the U.S. Navy s nuclear propulsion program and revived his career[...]