From Lovecraft to Borges to Gaiman, a century of intrepid literary experimentation has created a corpus of dark and strange stories that transcend all known genre boundaries. Together these stories form "The Weird," and its practitioners include some of the greatest names in twentieth and twenty-fir[...]
The fiction of multiple award winning author China Mieville is powered by intelligence and imagination. Like George Saunders, Karen Russell, and David Mitchell, he pulls from a variety of genres with equal facility, employing the fantastic not to escape from reality but instead to interrogate it in [...]
Hugo Award-winning novelist China Mieville breathes new life into a classic. "DC Comics" series as part of the second wave of "DC Comics - The New 52". In the small run-down town of Littleville, CO, a troubled young man stumbles upon the lost H-Dial and all of the secrets and power it possesses. It [...]
Enter the world of Gormenghast. The vast crumbling castle to which the seventy-seventh Earl, Titus Groan, is Lord and heir. Titus is expected to rule this Gothic labyrinth of turrets and dungeons, cloisters and corridors as well as his eccentric and wayward subjects. Over the course of these three n[...]
On his 16th birthday, churlish Drake Douay finds himself exiled from his homeland amid a treacherous crew of pirates on the open sea. Through battles with sea monsters, mysterious cults, weird technology of a bygone age, and the warring gangs of two pirate lords, Drake explores a world of dark fanta[...]
For more than 80 years H.P. Lovecraft has inspired writers of supernatural fiction, artists, musicians, filmmakers, and gaming. His themes of cosmic indifference, the utter insignificance of humankind, minds invaded by the alien, and the horrors of history - written with a pervasive atmosphere of un[...]
London's Overthrow is a potent polemic describing the capital in a time of austerity at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Award-winning author and essayist China Mieville cuts through the hyperbole of our politicians to present a view from ordinary London - of the inequality, oppression a[...]
Eksistentiaalinen murhamysteeri kuvitteellisesta kaksoiskaupungista vailla vertaa, jossa ennakkoluulot ja pelko saavat ihmiset kieltäytymään näkemästä sitä mitä eivät halua nähdä. Murhatutkimus vie komisario Borlún rappioituneesta Beszélistä moderniin Ul Qomaan, paikkaan joka sijaitsee[...]