When we speak of global governance today, we no longer mean simply state-to-state diplomacy, international treaties, or intergovernmental organizations like the United Nations. Alongside these traditional' elements of global politics are a host of new institutions ranging from global networks of gov[...]
Climate change poses one of the greatest challenges for human society in the twenty-first century, yet there is a major disconnect between our actions to deal with it and the gravity of the threat it implies. In a world where the fate of countries is increasingly intertwined, how should we think abo[...]
While industrialized states are largely responsible for the problem of climate change, global climate governance will not be successful without action by the rapidly growing developing world.[...]
While industrialized states are largely responsible for the problem of climate change, global climate governance will not be successful without action by the rapidly growing developing world.[...]
A major new collection examining the economic and political challenges currently faced by multilateral and transnational governance institutions.[...]
A major new collection examining the economic and political challenges currently faced by multilateral and transnational governance institutions.[...]
In a succinct and far-reaching analysis, David Held provides an introduction to major theories of democracy from classical Greece to the present, along with a critical discussion of what democracy should mean today. This new edition has been extensively revised and updated to take into account signi[...]
In a succinct and far-reaching analysis, David Held provides an introduction to major theories of democracy from classical Greece to the present, along with a critical discussion of what democracy should mean today. This new edition has been extensively revised and updated to take into account signi[...]
With contributions from Homi Bhabha, Kwame Anthony Appiah, Will Hutton, Jurgen Habermas and Amartya Sen, among others, this dazzling compendium of some of the world's most prominent and diverse thinkers examines the question, 'What is the future of culture in the age of globalization?'. These essays[...]
Vad är demokrati? Vad innebär det att leva demokratiskt? Vad skulle demokrati kunna betyda för oss idag?
I Demokratimodeller utforskar David Held dessa frågor. Han redogör för de olika demokratimodeller som finns och griper sig an ett antal olösta grundproblem för att slutligen ut[...]
Globalisering är en samlingsbeteckning för en rad processer som omformar mänskliga aktiviteter genom att utvidga de politiska, ekonomiska, sociala och kommunikativa nätverken över regioner och kontinenter. Makten kan inte längre hänföras till någon särskild geografisk plats, utan är utspr[...]
I dagens Europa befinner sig få socialdemokratiska partier i regeringsställning. Den »tredje vägens« politik, förknippad med Tony Blair och New Labour, tycks ha förlorat sin lyskraft. Ett drygt årtionde efter Blairs valseger 1997 är det få som söker en socialdemokratisk förnyelse genom a[...]
Globalisaatio - puolesta ja vastaan on tiivis ja selkeä johdatus viimeaikaiseen globalisaatiokeskusteluun.Kirjassa esitellään globalisaatiota puolustavien ja sitä vastustavien näkemyksiä, argumentteja ja perusteluja, ja saatetaan ne hedelmälliseen vuoropuheluun keskenään.Pohdintoja herättÃ[...]
The form of international regulation which dominated world politics for more than forty years has collapsed, while no alternative has yet emerged. The end of the Cold War has created new opportunities for developing an international order based upon the principles of legality and democracy. But if t[...]