Get savvy advice and hip tips on using Apple TV The Portable Genius series is all about getting the most from your Apple-inspired digital lifestyle and the popular and inexpensive Apple TV is no exception. With this helpful guide, you'll find important basics on how to stream Internet content fro[...]
A fully updated visual guide on the latest evolution of the amazing iPad As the ultimate entertainment and media device, the iPad is ever evolving. This visual guide gets you up to date on all the latest information for accessing and downloading books, apps, music, and video content as well as sendi[...]
The fast and easy way for visual learners to get up to speed on AndroidPacked with step-by-step, image-driven guidance, this must-have Visual book offers the latest tips for getting the most out of your Android devices that run on the most recent versions of the Android OS. Through the use of clear,[...]
Get the most out of the latest MacBook Air with this easy-to-read visual guide Who doesn't love the MacBook Air? It's light as a feather, yet delivers heavyweight functionality. If you want clear, practical, visual instructions on how to use your new MacBook Air, this is the book for you.[...]
A visual guide to the world's most popular mobile device"Teach Yourself VISUALLY iPhone" is your practical and accessible guide to mastering the powerful features and functionality of Apple's iPhone. For new iPhone users and long-time customers alike, this excellent resource features visually rich t[...]
Learn the basics and beyond with this visual guide to the iPad Teach Yourself VISUALLY iPad, 3 rd Edition is a clear, concise, image-rich guide to getting the most out of your iPad or iPad mini. Designed to quickly get you the answers you need, this book cuts to the chase by skipping the long-wind[...]
Every girl wants to look and feel her best and this book contains a fantastic array of top tips for confidence and wellbeing - and masses of beauty secrets. Alice Hart-Davis shares her expansive knowledge in chapters covering everything from hair, skin, make-up and exercise. Offering friendly and [...]
This is the definitive 4 million year-old story of human history. "History" is a visual feast covering everything from our remote ancestors up to the 21st century. With over 3,000 images, you'll discover the complete story of the people, events, themes, ideas and forces that have shaped human existe[...]
Beginning Microsoft Word 2010 is a visually stimulating introductory guide that teaches the complete Word newbie (as well as slightly experienced yet equally baffled users) what they need to know to write that thesis or proposal tonight. From the absolute basics like installing the software and crea[...]
Microsoft Excel 2011 for Mac OS X is a powerful application, but many of its most impressive features can be difficult to find. Learn Excel 2011 for Mac by Guy Hart-Davis is a practical, hands-on approach to learning all of the details of Excel 2011 in order to get work done efficiently on Mac OS X.[...]
Världshistorien beskriver människans utveckling och framsteg ur alla tänkbara vinklar. Den skildrar de viktigaste händelserna, de centrala idéerna, de politiska krafterna, de mest inflytelserika personer[...]
Aika on ihmeellistä: sitä ei voi nähdä, kuulla, tuntea eikä haistaa, mutta silti se hallitsee elämäämme ja kaikkea ympärillämme. Aikaa voidaan mitata uskomattomalla tarkkuudella, toisaalta se myös vaihtelee paikasta riippuen, hidastuu esimerkiksi lentomatkalla ja pysähtyy kokonaan valonn[...]
Longevity indeed, for the B.C. comic strip has been continually published for over 50 years. Mastroianni has ably assumed the pen from his grandfather, Johnny Hart, the originator of the Mastroianni's delightful style evokes the early and honored artistic traditions.[...]