James Collins - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: James Collins
Visar Resultat (26-44)
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  1. Good to Great and the Social Sectors: A Monograph to Accompany Good to Great (CD-bok)


    James C. Collins

    ISBN: 9780061341021 - UTGIVEN: 200612

    Building upon the concepts introduced in Good to Great, Jim Collins answers the most commonly asked questions raised by his readers in the social sectors. Using information gathered from interviews with over 100 social sector leaders, Jim Collins shows that his "Level 5 Leader" and other good-to-gre[...]

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    från 155.00 kr
  2. Beyond Entrepreneurship (Häftad)


    James C. Collins, William C. Lazier

    ISBN: 9780133815269 - UTGIVEN: 199510

    This work provides entrepreneurs with building blocks to help their companies sustain high performance, play a leadership role in their industries, and remain successful for generations. Readers will discover the five key elements involved in guiding a company to lasting success, a blueprint for man[...]

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    från 129.00 kr
  3. Jämför priser
    från 636.00 kr
  4. Extinction in Our Times (Inbunden)


    James P. Collins, Martha Crump, Thomas E. Lovejoy

    ISBN: 9780195316940 - UTGIVEN: 200907

    For over 350 million years, thousands of species of amphibians have lived on earth, but since the 1990s they have been disappearing at an alarming rate, in many cases quite suddenly and mysteriously. What is causing these extinctions? What role do human actions play in them? What do they tell us abo[...]

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    från 279.00 kr
  5. Inventing Marcel Duchamp (Inbunden)


    Anne Collins (EDT) Goodyear, James W. (EDT) Mcmanus, Janine A. (CON) Mileaf

    ISBN: 9780262013000 - UTGIVEN: 2009-04

    One of the most influential artists of the twentieth century, Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968) was a master of self-invention who carefully regulated the image he projected through self-portraiture and through his collaboration with those who portrayed him. During his long career, Duchamp recast accepted [...]

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    från 378.00 kr
  6. The State in Early Modern France (Pocket)


    James B. Collins

    ISBN: 9780521130257 - UTGIVEN: 2009-12-21

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    från 260.00 kr
  7. A History Of Sub-saharan Africa (Pocket)


    Robert O. Collins, James Macgregor Burns

    ISBN: 9780521687089 - UTGIVEN: 2007-02-08

    In a trawl through the entire sweep of sub-Saharan history, the authors have written an accessible introduction for students and general readers. The opening chapter on geography and climate frames the discussion, demonstrating how the environment has shaped the societies and cultures of those livin[...]

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    från 295.00 kr
  8. Early Modern Europe: Issues and Interpretations (Häftad)


    James B. Collins, Karen L. Taylor

    ISBN: 9780631228936 - UTGIVEN: 200508

    This reader brings together original and influential recent work in the field of early modern European history. * Provides a thought-provoking overview of current thinking on this period. * Key themes include evolving early-modern identities; changes in religion and cultural life; the revolution o[...]

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    från 316.00 kr
  9. Player's Handbook (Inbunden)


    Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, James Wyatt

    ISBN: 9780786948673 - UTGIVEN: 200806

    The first of three core rulebooks for the 4th Edition "Dungeons & Dragons"(R) "Roleplaying Game."
    The"Dungeons & Dragons"" Roleplaying Game" has defined the medieval fantasy genre and the tabletop RPG industry for more than 30 years. In the D&D game, players create characters that band together [...]

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    från 283.00 kr
  10. How the Mighty Fall: And Why Some Companies Never Give in (Inbunden)


    James C. Collins

    ISBN: 9780977326419 - UTGIVEN: 200905

    Decline can be avoided. Decline can be detected. Decline can be reversed. Amidst the desolate landscape of fallen great companies, Jim Collins began to wonder: How do the mighty fall? Can decline be detected early and avoided? How far can a company fall before the path toward doom becomes inevitable[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 192.00 kr
  11. A History Of Sub-saharan Africa (Pocket)


    Robert O. Collins, James Macgregor Burns

    ISBN: 9781107628519 - UTGIVEN: 2013-10-01

    The second edition of A History of Sub-Saharan Africa continues to provide an accessible introduction to the continent's history for students and general readers.[...]

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    från 348.00 kr
  12. Aka Marcel Duchamp: Meditations on the Identities of an Artist (Inbunden)


    Anne Collins Goodyear, James W. McManus

    ISBN: 9781935623151 - UTGIVEN: 2014-11

    "aka Marcel Duchamp" is an anthology of recent essays by leading scholars on Marcel Duchamp, arguably the most influential artist of the twentieth century. With scholarship addressing the full range of Duchamp's career, these papers examine how Duchamp's influence grew and impressed itself upon his [...]

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    från 509.00 kr
  13. Good to Great (Inbunden)


    James C. Collins

    ISBN: 9788776643959 - UTGIVEN: 2009

    Hvordan kan en god virksomhed tage springet og blive en fantastisk virksomhed? Og blive ved med at være på toppen.

    Få indblik i de væsentligste faktorer og de karakteristika, der adskiller de fantastiske virksomheder fra de gode.[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 307.00 kr