"Zits" follows the life of 15-year-old Jeremy Duncan, a sarcastic, cynical, sensitive, intelligent, typical kid. As Jeremy navigates life with his parents, girlfriend Sara, and buddies Pierce and Hector, he embodies all the characteristics unique to the weirdest, toughest, and most intense time most[...]
"Bottom line: "Zits" rocks."It's incredible to think that "Zits" was only launched in syndication in the summer of 1997. Since then, the strip's leading teenager, Jeremy Duncan, and his mom, dad, and assorted friends have become a part of the American fabric and, more important, a part of our own fa[...]
One of only 18 comic strips in history to top the thousand-newspaper mark, "Zits" now appears in more than 1,200 papers across the country and around the world. Though it displays a middle-class American teenager and his family, "Zits"' humor, its struggles with youth angst and issues, and its famil[...]
How do you guys do it? My sons both say you've got the teenage mind down pat. My wife and I know you've got the parent-of-a-teenager mind down pat. Did you live in my house or what?" -"The Washington Post"More About Alternative ZitsIn "Zits," Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman sublimely manipulate the two [...]
Dude You gotta' buy this for your mom " -Jeremy DuncanMore Jeremy and MomA popular psychologist says that teenage boys fire their mothers. It's an age when nurturing moms who've spent years cuddling, tucking, and rocking their little boys suddenly find themselves on the outside trying to see in. Mo[...]
"Zits" is "one of the freshest and most imaginative strips." "Los Angeles Times"
Twice honored as the Best Newspaper Comic Strip, "Zits" appears in more than 1,600 newspapers and is read daily by more than 45 million fans.
In "Pierced," Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman have hand-picked strips spo[...]
"My Bad" is filled with funny, genuine stories about life as--and with--a teenage boy. Taken from firsthand experience of successfully living through the teen years and now raising teenagers, Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman cross the minefield of all that teenagerhood holds. From questions, curiosities,[...]
The perfect Fathera (TM)s Day gift. This hilarious collection of Zits comic strips chronicles the perplexing, infuriating, and loving relationship between teenager and father, serving as an entertaining guide to the peculiar art of parenting a teenager. Appearing in more than 1,600 newspapers worldw[...]
An indispensible and entertaining manual for parents on the verge of having a teenager, by Americaa (TM)s favorite cartoon team.In their award-winning comic strip "Zits," artist Jim Borgman and writer Jerry Scott have succeeded in creating one of the most poignant, realistic, and funny portrayals of[...]
From hormones to how-come-Ia (TM)m-not-like-everyone-else questions and insecurities, Borgman and Scott continue to successfully tell teenage horror stories since the strips debut in newspapers in 1997. Readers and fans can find Zits in 1,600 newspapers worldwide, an achievement only 18 comic strips[...]
Part documentary, part reality-television, the story of the "Deadliest Catch"'s Alaskan crab fishermen risking their lives in the Bering Sea to make a buck and feed their families has captivated the world. "Giving the Finger" follows the life of the spirited young captain who has emerged as one of t[...]
As the Last Son of Krypton, Superman's always been alone on this planet ...and rare are the times that he's ever encountered someone who understands who he is and the choices he's had to make. But hidden away in the darkest corners of the Earth, rarely allowed into the light, there is another who se[...]
From hormones to how-come-Ia (TM)m-not-like-everyone-else questions and insecurities, Borgman and Scott continue to successfully tell teenage horror stories since the strips debut in newspapers in 1997. Readers and fans can find Zits in 1,600 newspapers worldwide, an achievement only 18 comic strips[...]
In their immensely popular comic strip Zits, Pulitzer Prize-winning artist Jim Borgman and writer Jerry Scott have succeeded in creating one of the most poignant, realistic and funny portrayals of teenagers found in any medium today. This book features the best Sunday strips.Belly up to the buffet .[...]
In their immensely popular comic strip Zits, Pulitzer Prize-winning artist Jim Borgman and writer Jerry Scott have succeeded in creating one of the most poignant, realistic and funny portrayals of teenagers found in any medium today.Lauded by "The Los Angeles Times" "as one of the freshest and most [...]
Sixteen-year-old Jeremy Duncan is a high school sophomore and an aspiring musician. He daydreams about the day when his band records its first monster hit single and he and his bandmates all pile into his van for their cross-country, sold-out concert tour. Between naps, study hall, and band practice[...]
Welcome to "Zits, " the brilliantly funny comic strip that is the perfect portrayal of life with a teenager--complete with an eye-rolling teen and well-intentioned but baffled parents--that appears in more than 1,600 newspapers.
All Jeremy wants is faster, more instant gratification. Still, his [...]
The "Los Angeles Times" calls "Zits" "one of the freshest and most imaginative comic strips."
The world of sixteen-year-old Jeremy Duncan revolves around his insatiable "growing boy" appetite, lip-locking with squeeze Sarah, keeping his jerry-rigged vehicle roadworthy, and playing with his band[...]
Horace 'Jim' Greasley was twenty years of age in the spring of 1939 when Adolf Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia and latterly Poland. There had been whispers and murmurs of discontent from certain quarters and the British government began to prepare for the inevitable war. After seven weeks training wit[...]
Haltung und Pflege eines Teenagers: Teenager sollten ausschließlich bei Zimmertemperatur, also nicht unter 15 aber auch nicht über 25 Grad, und am besten nach Geschlechtern getrennt gehalten werden. Erläutern Sie nie vor 12.00 Uhr mittags und nie nach 18.00 Uhr abends komplexe Sachverhalte. Erwar[...]
Dieses Buch ist eine Offenbarung für jeden, der mit Teenagern zu tun hat oder -noch schlimmer- selber einer ist: Die hormonell bedingten Pubertätsleiden des jungen Jeremy gehen weiter, und es geht ihm in diesem dritten Band natürlich kein bisschen besser. Mit Abdrucken in mittlerweile 1.000 Zeitu[...]
Hormoner, hormoner, hormoner - de er selve navet i hjulet til den trimma mopeden vi kaller tenårene. Man kan kanskje gi hormonene skylden for mye ugagn, klinsj og trøbbel, men vi kan ikke akkurat beskylde dem for å være kjedelige. Og det samme stemmer for Jeremy, hovedpersonen i Zits - en hormon[...]
Med 150 officiellt bekräftade dödsfall var Chris Kyle den främste militäre prickskytten någonsin, fienderna satte ett pris på hans huvud och gav honom namnet Djävulen. Han fick sitt första vapen som 8-åring och bestämde sig redan som barn att för att ta värvning.
American Sniper är e[...]