They are the enemy. And they're still out there. They're in your street, your home, the safest places you know. You feel their hot breath... even in the depths of hell. Ellie and Homer are out there too. Lee and Fi and Kevin. They've forgotten what it means to be safe. Sometimes they feel like there[...]
What's the biggest danger you can think of? This is bigger. What's the toughest challenge you can imagine? This is tougher. What's the greatest fear you have? You're about to find out. They came in summer. They fell upon the land swiftly and suddenly. Through autumn they spread, like locusts, like m[...]
They are the enemy. And they're still out there. They're in your street, your home, the safest places you know. You feel their hot breath... even in the depths of hell. Ellie and Homer are out there too. Lee and Fi and Kevin. They've forgotten what it means to be safe. Sometimes they feel like there[...]
With a roar like a train in a tunnel, the war enters its final days. Ellie has to be on that train. There's no more sitting around, no more waiting. There's only fast decisions, fast action, fast thinking. And she'd better get it right. With all their being, Ellie and her friends want to stay alive.[...]
While Ellie and her friends are away in the bush, the world changes. Suddenly they are in the toughest situations humans can confront, facing life and death decisions. They are thrown into a world where they find courage, initiative, spirit and wisdom, or they die...[...]
Darkness is the friend and enemy of those who hunt by night. Ellie and her friends have found safety after months of fighting. But the New Zealand Defence Force needs their help to infiltrate occupied Australian territory. And so the friends must fight on.[...]
'If only our country hadn't been invaded. If only we could have carried on the way we used to, watching other people's wars on television.' Ellie and her friends are more determined than ever to make an impact on the enemy. But the constant fighting is beginning to take its toll on the group. Kevin [...]
Twelve months have passed since the invasion. Ellie has lost friends, she has taken many lives and she is still as disgusted by violence as she is determined to stand up to the invaders.[...]
The explosive final book in the bestselling Tomorrow series: an action-packed adventure and an unforgettable exploration of the emotional impact of war.[...]
Du må være sterk for å klare deg i Helvete. Men noen ganger finnes det ikke noe bedre sted å være. Australia er invadert. Verden er snudd på hodet for seks tenåringer har søkt tilflukt i Hell, en bortgjemt, nesten utilgengelig kløft. Resten av bygda og byen er tatt til fange. De må finn[...]
Hva er den største faren du kan tenke deg? Denne er større. Hva er den største utfordringen du kan tenke deg? Denne er tøffere. Hva frykter du mest av alt? Det får du snart vite. Hvem er viktigst å redde - deg selv, vennene dine, familien din eller landet ditt? Du kan bli nødt til å velge. [...]
The Rabbits offers a rich and immensly valuable perspective on the effect of man on his environment. It aims to promote cultural awareness and a sense of caring for the natural world.[...]