A must-read for every man who craves deep, spiritual change in his life. Believing that the condition of manhood in our world is deplorable and that the masculine gender is viewed as superficial and foolish, Sam Laing calls men to ascend to the heights of nobility that God intended.[...]
In this high speed world, the ability to turn an agreement around quickly is a necessity for most busy lawyers. The A-Z of Contract Clauses, Sixth Edition is a master toolkit of contract clauses drafted by experts in copyright and contract. Thousands of clauses ready for you to use and adapt - Save [...]
The books that we read, whether travel-focused or not, may influence the way in which we understand the process or experience of travel. This multidisciplinary work provides a critical analysis of the inspirational and transformational role that books play in travel imaginings. Does reading a book e[...]
This book examines the nexus between exploring and tourism and argues that exploration travel - based heavily on explorer narratives and the promises of personal challenges and change - is a major trend in future tourism. In particular, it analyses how romanticised myths of explorers form a foun[...]
To the River is the story of the Ouse, the Sussex river in which Virginia Woolf drowned in 1941. One idyllic, midsummer week over sixty years later, Olivia Laing walked Woolf's river from source to sea. The result is a passionate investigation into how history resides in a landscape - and how ghosts[...]
Why is it that some of the greatest works of literature have been produced by writers in the grip of alcoholism, an addiction that cost them personal happiness and caused harm to those who loved them? In this title, the author examines the link between creativity and alcohol through the work and liv[...]
Why were so many authors of the greatest works of literature consumed by alcoholism? This book takes a journey across America, examining the links between creativity and drink in the work and lives of six men.[...]
This is a complete, illustrated catalogue of the painting and sculpture of Pop Art pioneer Gerald Laing (1936-2011), who shot to fame in the 1960s with his large-scale, iconic paintings of film-stars such as Brigitte Bardot and Anna Karina, conveyed in styles and colours that aped the crude but powe[...]
The Laing Art Gallery, founded in Newcastle in 1904, was unusual amongst British regional galleries at the time for having opened without a collection. Having initially relied on loans from local collectors and national institutions throughout the years, the Laing has built up one of the most compre[...]
First published in 1960, The Divided Self by Scottish psychiatrist R.D. Laing (1927 - 1989) set out to explain psychosis as an ordinary and understandable human experience. Laing's insight was absolutely revolutionary in its humane approach. One commentator described it as 'that particular touch of [...]
This book is a collection of the best poems and songs, both old and new, on the subject of that great Scottish love, whisky. It is based on a one-man show created by Robin, and combines two of his passions - folk song and whisky. Additional information relevant to particular songs and poems, and oth[...]
This witty and diverting book, from musician and whisky expert Robin Laing, captivates the reader with folklore and history reflecting aspects of Islay life, all relating back to whisky. Simultaneously entertaining, comforting and informative, Laing uses narrative and lyric to examine the relationsh[...]
"Search Sweet Country"--one of the greatest novels ever to come out of the African continent--follows the lives of an eclectic and inextricably interconnected group of Ghanaians living in and around the sprawling, chaotic city of Accra in the mid-1970s. Bringing to life the bustling markets and bars[...]
"The novel is an attempt to write about film through fiction, engaging both art forms at once with the analytic mind of the academic and the imagination of the storyteller. In the process, Rombes found the freedom of fiction pushing him towards a new type of writing. For the reader, there is little [...]
Bli din egen foryngelsesguru!* Det er aldri for sent å bremse aldringsprosessen.* Alt du trenger å vite for å leve sunnere og bedre.* Test deg selv og finn ut din biologiske alder.* Få tilbake din ungdommelige vitalitet.* Få en fantastisk kropp fra innsiden til utsiden.* 8 uker med riktig kosth[...]
Den skotske psykiater Ronald D. Laing skabte en del storm i slutningen af 60´erne og begyndelsen af 70´erne og blev anledning til, at der opstod noget så usædvanligt som bred næsten folkelig debat om psykiatrien.
Siden da har der været temmelig stille. I Danmark har den biologiske p[...]