Linda Tellington-Jones, shows how you can influence the behaviour and character of your dog and its willingness and ability to learn. You can overcome physical and behavioural problems by following her simple methods.[...]
'Getting in Touch with Your Cat' demonstrates all the touches with step-by-step colour photo sequences, and together with case histories, Linda clearly illustrates and explains when and where to use them for best effect.[...]
A self-taught photographer, Duane Michals broke away from established traditions of the medium during the 1960s. His messages and poems inscribed on the photographs, and his visual stories created through multiple images, defied the principles of the reigning practitioners of the form. Indeed, Micha[...]
Boken gir en innføring i TTouch- og TTeam-øvelser for hester, med instruskjoner trinn for trinn. TTeam-arbeid kan styrke samhørigheten mellom hest og rytter, mens TTouch er en serie bevegelser som fjerner spenninger og øker oppmerksomheten hos hesten. Med sjekkliste og oversikt over adresser, bÃ[...]