Mother Mary loves you unconditionally, no matter what your religious or spiritual background. This moving and powerful deck explores the profoundly healing, protective and soothing energy of Mother Mary. Through this oracle, she brings you her guidance and wisdom and connects you with knowledge of y[...]
David Smith is giving his life for his art--literally. Thanks to a deal with Death, the young sculptor gets his childhood wish: to sculpt anything he can imagine with his bare hands. But now that he only has 200 days to live, deciding "what" to create is harder than he thought, and discovering the l[...]
Choosing the right colour for your home can be fraught with difficulties, and with literally thousands of shades of paint available in DIY stores the choice can be overwhelming. With this book, Kevin McCloud has taken the hard work out of home decorating by researching, selecting and combining over [...]
David Smith is giving his life for his art - literally. Thanks to a deal with Death, the young sculptor gets his childhood wish: to sculpt anything he can imagine with his bare hands. But now that he only has 200 days to live, deciding what to create is harder than he thought, and discovering the lo[...]
Boken Inred med färg presenterar 67 olika färgpaletter, utprovade och testade av Kevin McCloud, som hämtats från moderna, lantliga och urbana miljöer. Dessa 67 färgpaletter och uppslag är uppbyggda av ca 120 stycken färgnyanser som kombineras just för att de passar ihop och är behagliga f�[...]
Tässä tyylikkäässä kirjassa Grand Designs -ohjelman arvostettu juontaja Kevin McCloud näyttää, miten värejä hallitaan, käytetään hienostuneesti ja miten niiden avulla muutetaan ympäristöä.Mukana on 65 hyväksi havaittua palettia, jotka koostuvat yli sadasta väristä ja joita voi kä[...]