Apollo's Song follows the tragic journey of Shogo, a young man whose abusive childhood has instilled in him a loathing for love so profound he finds himself compelled to acts of violence when he is witness to any act of intimacy or affection whether by human or beast. His hate is such that the gods [...]
In this second half of Apollo's Song, Shogo, a young man whose abusive childhood has instilled in him a loathing for love, begins to see the virtues of love as he repeatedly experiences love lost from within the depths of his mind. Throughout the ages, his affections for others would bring him inspi[...]
It is 1936 in Berlin, Nazi Germany. A Japanese reporter named Sohei Tohge is covering the Berlin Olympic Games for the Japanese press. As he sits in the Japanese press box watching the many track and field events of the day, he receives a call from his younger brother Isao, who has been studying in [...]
Toshiko Tomura is a genius; the darling of the intelligentsia. A modern-day Michelangelo, this twenty year-old is already an established international stage actress, an up-and-coming architect, and the next recipient of the prestigious Akutagawa Prize as Japan's best new writer. Her actions make hea[...]
Zur Serie: Auf der Suche nach den Mördern seines Bruders gerät der Japaner Toge Sohei zwischen die Fronten deutscher und japanischer Geheimdienste. Was hat es mit dem Dokument auf sich, das angeblich die wahre Herkunft Adolf Hitlers verrät? Hatte er jüdische Vorfahren...? Das Schicksal [...]
Aikuiseksi varttunut Leo ottaa kantaakseen vastuun viidakon väestä. Toisin kuin isänsä se tahtoo elää rauhassa myös ihmisten rinnalla. Mutta kaikkien ihmisten ja eläinten aikeet eivät ole rauhanomaiset...[...]
The Eisner and Harvey Winner
The third volume of this epic graphic novel send Siddhartha further into a world mired in pain and suffering. The journey to peace and enlightenment looms far but bright.
Prince Siddhartha quickly learns that the monk's path is covered in thorns and self-abuses m[...]