Pamuk, Orhan - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Pamuk, Orhan
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  1. The Naive and the Sentimental Novelist: The Charles Eliot Norton Lectures (Häftad)


    Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9780571275915 - UTGIVEN: 2011-03-03

    What happens when we read a novel? And how does a novel create its unique effects, so distinct from those of a painting, a film or a poem? In this inspired, thoughtful, deeply personal book, Orhan Pamuk takes us into the worlds of the writer and the reader, revealing their intimate connections.[...]

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    från 144.00 kr
  2. Silent House (Inbunden)


    Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9780571275922 - UTGIVEN: 201210

    In an old mansion in Cennethisar, a former fishing village near Istanbul, an old widow Fatma awaits the annual summer visit of her grandchildren. She has lived in the village for decades, ever since her husband, an idealistic young doctor, first arrived to serve the poor fishermen. Now mostly bedrid[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 207.00 kr
  3. Silent House (Häftad)


    Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9780571275946 - UTGIVEN: 2012-10-04

    In an old mansion in Cennethisar, a former fishing village near Istanbul, an old widow Fatma awaits the annual summer visit of her grandchildren. She has lived in the village for decades, ever since her husband, an idealistic young doctor, first arrived to serve the poor fishermen.[...]

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    från 129.00 kr
  4. Silent House (Pocket)


    Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9780571275960 - UTGIVEN: 201304

    In an old mansion in Cennethisar, a former fishing village near Istanbul, an old widow Fatma awaits the annual summer visit of her grandchildren. She has lived in the village for decades, ever since her husband, an idealistic young doctor, first arrived to serve the poor fishermen. Now mostly bedrid[...]

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    från 79.00 kr
  5. Strangeness in My Mind, A (Pocket)


    Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9780571276004 - UTGIVEN: 2016-04-07

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    från 86.00 kr
  6. The Naive and the Sentimental Novelist (Inbunden)


    Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9780571276660 - UTGIVEN: 2011-03

    What happens within us when we read a novel? And how does a novel create its unique effects, so distinct from those of a painting, a film, or a poem? In this inspired, thoughtful, deeply personal book, Orhan Pamuk takes us into the worlds of the writer and the reader, revealing their intimate connec[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 178.00 kr
  7. The Naive and the Sentimental Novelist (Inbunden)


    Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9780674050761 - UTGIVEN: 201011

    What happens within us when we read a novel? And how does a novel create its unique effects, so distinct from those of a painting, a film, or a poem? In this inspired, thoughtful, deeply personal book, Orhan Pamuk takes us into the worlds of the writer and the reader, revealing their intimate connec[...]

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    från 185.00 kr
  8. Autobiographies of Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9780874809305 - UTGIVEN: 2008-04

    The first book-length study of the life and writings of Ohran Pamuk, the first Turkish writer to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature.[...]

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    från 163.00 kr
  9. Istanbul: Memories and the City (Häftad)


    Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9781400033881 - UTGIVEN: 200607

    An intriguing literary portrait of one of the world's most complex and diverse cities by the renowned author of My Name Is Red interweaves the history of Istanbul with observations and reflections on the city's landmarks, art, people, institutions, and great spaces. Reprint. 25,000 first printing.[...]

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    från 222.00 kr
  10. The Black Book (Häftad)


    Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9781400078653 - UTGIVEN: 2006-07

    Galip is a lawyer living in Istanbul. His wife, the detective-novel-loving Ruya, has disappeared. Could she have left him for her ex-husband, Celal, a popular newspaper columnist? But Celal, too, seems to have vanished. As Galip investigates, he findshimself assuming the enviable Celal's identity, w[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 222.00 kr
  11. The Innocence of Objects (Häftad)


    Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9781419704567 - UTGIVEN: 201210

    Orhan Pamuk's Museum of Innocence in Istanbul is the culmination of decades of omnivorous collecting that seeks to capture the city of Pamuk's youth through everyday objects: The ephemera, bric-a-brac, and clutter that adheres to every life. These particular objects are intimately tied to The Museum[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 273.00 kr
  12. Approaches to Teaching the Works of Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9781603293198 - UTGIVEN: 2017-10

    Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2006, Orhan Pamuk is Turkey's preeminent novelist and internationally recognized figure of letters. Influenced by both Turkish and European literature, his works interrogate problems of modernity and of East and West in the Turkish context and incorporate t[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 209.00 kr
  13. My Name is Red (Inbunden)


    Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9781841593319 - UTGIVEN: 2010-10

    The Ottoman Sultan has commissioned the best artists in the land to create a book celebrating the glories of his realm: but he wants them to illuminate it in the European style. Because figurative art is deemed by many to be an affront to Islam, the project must be kept secret. Panic and scandal eru[...]

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    från 159.00 kr
  14. Snow (Inbunden)


    Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9781841593388 - UTGIVEN: 2011-10

    Returning to Turkey from exile in the West, the secular poet Ka is driven by curiosity to investigate a surprising wave of suicides among religious girls forbidden by the government to wear their head scarves in school. But the epicentre of the suicides, the bleak, impoverished border city of Kars, [...]

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    från 126.00 kr
  15. Istanbul (Häftad)


    Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9782070358601 - UTGIVEN: 2008-10

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    från 0.00 kr
  16. Istanbul (Inbunden)


    Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9783596511037 - UTGIVEN: 2010-03

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    från 134.00 kr
  17. Das Museum der Unschuld (Inbunden)


    Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9783596511785 - UTGIVEN: 201108

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    från 126.00 kr
  18. Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9783838210476 - UTGIVEN: 2017-09

    This collection of essays brings together scholarly examinations of a writer who-despite the prestige that the Nobel Prize has earned him-remains controversial with respect to his place in the literary tradition of his home country. This is in part because the positioning of Turkey itself in relatio[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 395.00 kr
  19. Novaja zhizn (Inbunden)


    Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9785367003901 - UTGIVEN: 2007-01

    Roman nobelevskogo laureata Orkhana Pamuka - kniga o tom, chto takoe radikalnyj podkhod k chteniju.Krizis obschestva chrevat upadnichestvom, popytkami cheloveka ujti ot realnosti v mir grez i mechtanij. Osman, geroj romana "Novaja zhizn", sumel obresti novyj mir i novuju zhizn, no slishkom pozdno...[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 148.00 kr
  20. Mitt navn er Karmosin (Pocket)


    Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9788205329133 - UTGIVEN: 2004

    Mitt navn er Karmosin foregår over ni dager i et snøkledd Istanbul. Året er 1591. Den første som snakker, er en død mann som ligger i en brønn. Han kjenner sin morder, og vet hvorfor han er myrdet. Det fins et komplott mot hele det osmanske riket, mot kulturen, religionen og tradisjonene. En [...]

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    från 141.00 kr
  21. Snø (Pocket)


    Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9788205350021 - UTGIVEN: 2006

    Forfatteren Ka kommer til Istanbul for å delta i sin mors begravelse etter 12 år i politisk eksil i Tyskland. Byen er fremmed for ham, og enda mer fremmed føler han seg når han får vite hva som skjer i Kars, en liten by nær grensen til Russland. Der har flere unge kvinner begått selvmord, fo[...]

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    från 0.00 kr
  22. Det hvite slottet (Pocket)


    Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9788205353725 - UTGIVEN: 2006

    Tyrkia på 1700-tallet: En ung italiener blir tatt til fange av sjørøvere på en reise mellom Venezia og Napoli. Fangen blir ført til Istanbul og solgt som slave, og slik blir han en annen manns eiendom. Kjøperen er en lærdomsbesatt fantast - som er oppsatt på å skaffe seg kunnskap om de sist[...]

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    från 131.00 kr
  23. Svart bok; roman (Inbunden)


    Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9788205371910 - UTGIVEN: 2006

    En slags kjærlighetsroman, stappfull av utrolige fortellinger, som samtidig er den store romanen om hjembyen Istanbul fra nobelprisvinneren i 2006. Handlingen i Svart bokutspilles en vinteruke i midten av 1980-årene. Scenen er Istanbul, den myldrende eksotiske byen med én fot i Europa og én i As[...]

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    från 0.00 kr
  24. Den naive og den sentimentale romanforfatteren (Inbunden)


    Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9788205416512 - UTGIVEN: 2013

    Hva skjer når vi skriver og leser romaner? Og hvorfor gjør vi det? Les en stor leser og romanforfatters innlysende svar! Du blir mye klokere, og du blir underholdt underveis.Boka er basert på forelesninger nobelprisvinneren Orhan Pamuk holdt omkring romankunsten i 2009 på Harvard i USA.Tittelen [...]

    Jämför priser
    från 286.00 kr
  25. Den sorte bog (Häftad)


    Orhan Pamuk

    ISBN: 9788702057232 - UTGIVEN: 2006

    En metafysisk kriminalroman med det moderne Istanbul og den klassiske islamiske mystik i centrum. En forsmået ægtemand leder efter hustruen og begges berømte fætter, men ender med spørgsmålet : Hvem er jeg?[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 91.00 kr