Former Los Angeles homicide detective Jack Sawyer, now living in a small Wisconsin town, is called on by the local police chief: Can Jack help his inexperienced force solve a string of gruesome murders that has struck the region? Although Jack cannot recall the events twenty years ago that led him t[...]
The first three volumes of "The Best Horror of the Year" have been widely praised for their quality, variety, and comprehensiveness. Now, for the fourth consecutive year, editor Ellen Datlow has explored the entirety of the diverse horror market, distilling it into the fourth anthology in the series[...]
A Special Place, Peter Straub 's first published novella, will come to stand as one of the author 's most deeply unsettling works of fiction. A rumination on the nature of evil, the story centers on a boy, Keith Hayward, who is drawn by his nature to an irresistible fascination with death and the ta[...]
Esswood House. Home and estate of the Seneschal family, aristocratic patrons of the literary arts for well over a hundred years. D. H. Lawrence, T. S. Eliot, Ford Madox Ford, and Henry James were privileged to call themselves guests. There was always talk of a hidden secret in Esswood s past, and th[...]
The spirits of the dead have walked among our legends, myths, and stories since before recorded history. Ghostly visitations, hauntings, unquiet souls seeking the living, vengeful wraiths, the possibility of life beyond the grave that can somehow reach out and touch us are some of literature's most [...]
Introducing stories of circuses traditional and bizarre, futuristic and steeped in tradition, joyful and heart-breaking! And among the actors you will find old friends, be they sad clowns or free-spirited gymnasts, as well as new ones - mammoths, mechanical piano men, and things best not described a[...]
A collection of classic works by the turn-of-the-twentieth-century horror master offers insight into his unique style and includes such pieces as, "The Shadow Out of Time," "The Colour Out of Space," "The Shadow Over Innsmouth," and "At the Mountains of Madness."[...]
Die perfekte Mischung aus Fantasy und Horror. Im Vorläufer zu King/Straubs Bestseller "Das Schwarze Haus" begibt sich der zwölfjährige Jack Sawyer auf eine weite, abenteuerliche Reise, in der Idylle und Entsetzen nahe beieinander liegen. Meisterregisseur Steven Spielberg hat sich die Verfilmungsr[...]
Idyllisessä French Landingin kaupungissa on tapahtunut sarja petomaisia murhia, jotka muistuttavat vuosikymmeniä aiemmin riehuneen mielipuolen surmatöitä. Poliisipäällikkö Dale Gilbertson joutuu pyytämään avukseen Jack Sawyerin, etsivän, jonka poikkeuksellisiin kykyihin hän on tutustunut[...]
12-vuotias Jack Sawyer on elämänsä vaikeimman tilanteen edessä. Mikäli hän löytää tiensä toiseen universumiin ja etsii käsiinsä Talismaanin, hän voi pelastaa kuolemaisillaan olevan äitinsä ja tuhota heitä uhkaavan vihollisen. Mutta Talismaanin löytäminen ei ole helppoa. Jackin pitÃ[...]