Rohr's classic best-seller "The Wild Man's Journey" is now available in a newly revised and expanded edition.
"Every man who seriously desires to appreciate masculinity and to face reality, his own soul, his place in the Gospel and in society, as well as his need for conversion and growth will [...]
"Advent is not about a sentimental waiting for the Baby Jesus," Richard Rohr asserts. Advent is a time to focus our expectations and anticipation on "the adult Christ, the Cosmic Christ," who challenges us to empty ourselves, to lose ourselves, to surrender.
Drawing on selections from his best-s[...]
Rohr's meditations on the daily readings of Lent are not for the sake of mere information, or even for academia (although the author hopes it will satisfy both), but for the sake of our transformation into our original "image and likeness," which is the very image of God. What always and finally mat[...]
Dissolve the distractions of ego to find our authentic selves in God In his bestselling book Falling Upward, Richard Rohr talked about ego (or the False Self) and how it gets in the way of spiritual maturity. But if there's a False Self, is there also a True Self? What is it? How is it found? Why[...]
A valuable new companion journal for the best-selling "Falling Upward" In "Falling Upward, " Fr. Richard Rohr seeks to help readers understand the tasks of the two halves of life and to show them that those who have fallen, failed, or "gone down" are the only ones who understand "up." "The Companion[...]
Immortal Diamond ? From Chapter One In his bestselling book Falling Upward (and in many of his other teachings), Franciscan priest Father Richard Rohr talked at length about ego (part of the False Self) and how it gets in the way of spiritual maturity, especially if its preoccupations continue into [...]
5- to 10-week study for adults and young adults with appealing video format that prompts engagement and response Each participant uses his/her own journal for study and reflection Newest installment in the successful Embracing series Each program in this series features two components sold separatel[...]
Franciscan priest Richard Rohr, feels that there is no more challenging spiritual issue than the "problem of the self." Most of contemporary spiritual teaching, he believes, is still trying to inspire and fortify the private self, the autonomous "I." Even much church work is trying to evangelize and[...]
Richard Rohr focuses his attention on all frames and doorways to the divine--the alternative way of Francis of Assisi.
Francis of Assisi, one of the most beloved of all saints, was at once very traditional and entirely revolutionary in the ways of holiness. As a standing paradox, he both stood b[...]
A valuable new companion journal to the bestselling "Breathing Under Water" We are all addicted to something, according to Franciscan Father Richard Rohr. This "Companion Journal" can help you work your way through the wisdom of the twelve-step program as outlined in "Breathing Under Water" to help[...]
In retracing the second and third missionary trips of St. Paul, Father Richard Rohr breaks open the life of this saint, recasting him as a mystic and as the first Christian theologian. Rohr presents Paul's revolutionary and all-embracing vision and invites us to enter into the mystery of Christ and [...]
Drawn from the many books, writings, and interviews by Richard Rohr, one of the most popular spiritual writers today, this collections introduces many of the teachings for which he has become known, all organized around the central theme of Love as the foundation of everything. Interwoven with a pro[...]
"Jesus Outside the Box" is a re-released, re-titled version of the author's previous book "The Magician's Tale". It a short book of twelve incredible stories written from the perspective of some of the lesser known characters of the New Testament. Each story offers an exciting and radical new portra[...]
Åndsverkloven m/forskrift - med endringer, sist ved lov av 14. desember 2012 nr. 91 (i kraft 1. januar 2013). Med historiske noter[...]
Enneagrammet - et redskap til personlig vekst. Enneagrammet skildrer ni personlighetstyper, hver med sin egenart og spesielle karaktertrekk. Det er et redskap som hjelper deg til å kjenne deg selv, utvikle dine positive sider og forstå andre bedre. Mange har erfart at enneagrammet har blitt en vei[...]
Voisimmeko me pienet ihmiset luoda parempaa elämää? Johtajien ja kasvottomien instituutioiden vääränlainen vallankäyttö ja falskius jättävät meidät monesti avuttomiksi. Jeesus ja Franciscus Assisilainen elivät niin ikään kriisiaikoina, mutta he löysivät väylän muutokseen: yksinker[...]