Green Chemistry is a vitally important subject area in a world where being as green and environmentally sound as possible is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Its applications include the design of chemical products and processes that help to reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous[...]
Examines the topic of nanosystem design. This title explains the physical and chemical basics behind the design and fabrication of nanodevices, covering various important advances in the field, while introducing nanosystems to less experienced readers.[...]
In this ground-breaking practical reference, the family of aspartic acid proteases is described from a drug developer's perspective. The first part provides a general introduction to the family of aspartic acid proteases, their physiological functions, molecular structure and inhibition. Parts two t[...]
A four-volume set that contains more than 50 contributions covering various aspects of protein degradation. Each individual volume highlights a different aspect of the field; all four volumes together provide a comprehensive reference on protein degradation.[...]
This book is the first volume in a completely new public health book series, edited by the Institute of Health Economics (IHE) in Edmonton, Canada. Written by leading experts in the field, "Financing Health Care: New Ideas for a Changing Society" offers a comprehensive overview of possible health c[...]
This invaluable reference is unique in adopting a modern approach that relates fundamental research to the applied science of colloids. The six volumes are edited by the 'l'eminence grise' on the topic with contributions from THE top scientists in their respective fields.[...]
Closing a gap in the literature, this is the only book series to cover this important topic in organic and biochemistry. Drawing upon the combined expertise of the international "who's who" in amino acid research, this series is a real benchmark for amino acid chemistry, providing a comprehensive di[...]