Meshugah, Singer's third posthumous novel, is an impressive work which the author published serially in 1981 - 83. It concerns Holocaust survivors in New York in the early 1950s. The story is narrated by Aaron Greidinger, who finds himself inextricably invloved with a group of refugees on the Upper [...]
Twenty stories from the Nobel Prizewinner, including "Disguised," a transvestite tale of the yeshiva student whose deserted wife finds him dressed as a woman and married to a man, and the title story, which portrays Methuselah at the age of 969 -- "and when you pass your nine hundredth birthday, you[...]
Isaac Bashevis Singer's first collection of stories, "Gimpel the Fool," is a landmark work that has attracted international acclaim since it was first published in 1957. In Saul Bellow's masterly translation, the title story follows the exploits of Gimpel, an ingenuous baker who is universally decei[...]
Yasha Mazur is a Houdini-like performer whose skill has made him famous throughout eastern Poland. Half Jewish, half gentile, a freethinker who slips easily between worlds, Yasha has an observant Jewish wife, a gentile assistant who travels with him, and a mistress in every town. For Yasha is an esc[...]
"Noah was a righteous man," says Isaac Bashevis Singer, so he and his family were to be saved from the flood. But rumor had it that only the best of all living creatures were to be taken aboard the Ark with Noah. In a fresh and lively approach to the age-old account, Isaac Bashevis Singer sets down [...]
When Isaac Bashevis Singer emigrated to America in 1935, he left behind his wife and five-year-old son, Israel, with the promise to send for them as soon as he settled. He never did. In 1955, twenty years after their separation, Zamir came to New York to meet his father. Gradually their mutual trust[...]
Stavans follows the course of a remarkable literary life, from the shtetls of Poland to the immigrant communities of New York to international acclaim for one of the greatest and most influential Jewish-American writers.[...]
Die drei Geschichten dieses Bandes, 'Aktentasche', 'Allein' und 'Späte Liebe', waren die Vorlage für Jan Schüttes ('SuperTex' nach Leon de Winter und 'Abschied - Brechts letzter Sommer') Verfilmung 'Love comes Lately'. Kinostart in Deutschland geplant für Frühling/Frühsommer 2008.[...]
Slaven utspelar sig i Polen vid 1600-talets mitt. Det är en tumultartad och intolerant tid i landets historia, präglad av våldsamma förföljelser mot landets judiska befolkning.
Den unge Jakob klarar sig undan en massaker mot judarna i sin hemstad och flyr till en bergsby där han bli[...]
»Jentl, jeshivapojken« i unik utgåva på jiddisch, transkriberad jiddisch och svenska.
Polen i början av nittonhundratalet. När Jentls far dör tar hon ett djärvt beslut hon klär sig i byxor, klipper av de långa flätorna och ger sig av för att börja ett nytt liv. Under pojknam[...]