Soon to be a major motion picture directed by Paul Thomas Anderson (Boogie Nights, There Will Be Blood) and starring Joaquin Phoenix, Benicio del Toro, Josh Brolin, Reese Witherspoon, and more
Part noir, part psychedelic romp, all Thomas Pynchon. In the "New York Times" bestseller" Inherent Vic[...]
This is a comprehensive study of the most influential figure in postwar American literature. Over a writing career spanning more than fifty years, Thomas Pynchon has been at the forefront of America's engagement with postmodern literary possibilities. In chapters that address the full range of Pynch[...]
Now available in paperback, this is a comprehensive study of the most influential figure in postwar American literature. Over a writing career spanning more than fifty years, Thomas Pynchon has been at the forefront of America's engagement with postmodern literary possibilities. In chapters that add[...]
Vineland, a zone of blessed anarchy in northern California, is the last refuge of hippiedom, a culture devastated by the sobriety epidemic, Reaganomics, and the Tube. Here, in an Orwellian 1984, Zoyd Wheeler and his daughter Prairie search for Prairie's long-lost mother, a Sixties radical who ran of[...]
For David Cowart, Thomas Pynchon's most profound teachings are about history- history as myth, as rhetorical construct, as false consciousness, as prologue, as mirror, and as seedbed of national and literary identities. In one encyclopedic novel after another, Pynchon has reconceptualized historical[...]
Thomas Pynchon's fiction has been considered masculinist, misogynist, phallocentric, and pornographic: its formal experimentation, irony, and ambiguity have been taken both to complicate such judgments and to be parts of the problem. To the present day, deep critical divisions persist as to whether [...]
In a world where cheap entertainment keeps the proles ignorant but content, where a war without end is always fought and the government is always watching, can Winston possibly hold onto what he feels inside? Or will he renounce everything, accept the Party's reality and learn to love Big Brother?[...]
Thomas Pynchon and the American Counterculture employs the revolutionary sixties as a lens through which to view the anarchist politics of Pynchon's novels. Joanna Freer identifies and elucidates Pynchon's commentaries on such groups as the Beats, the New Left and the Black Panther Party and on such[...]
"Thomas Pynchon and the Postmodern Mythology of the Underworld" is devoted to the work of one of the most highly acclaimed writers of the post-World War II period of American literature, Thomas Pynchon. Through close readings and broad amplification, this book illustrates that the descent to the und[...]
Terrorism and Temporality in the Works of Thomas Pynchon and Don DeLillo starts from a simple premise: that the events of the 11th of September 2001 must have had a major effect on two New York residents, and two of the seminal authors of American letters, Pynchon and DeLillo. By examining implicit [...]
Spanning the period between the Chicago World's Fair of 1893 and the years just after World War I, this novel moves from the labor troubles in Colorado to turn-of-the-century New York, to London and Gottingen, Venice and Vienna, the Balkans, Central Asia, Siberia at the time of the mysterious Tungus[...]
This volume is a collection of essays by various academics looking at how identity is shaped, gendered, and contested throughout PynchonOs work. By exploring sociological, anthropological, literary, and political dimensions, the contributors revise important ideas in the debate over individualism us[...]
Terrorism and Temporality in the Works of Thomas Pynchon and Don DeLillo starts from a simple premise: that the events of the 11th of September 2001 must have had a major effect on two New York residents, and two of the seminal authors of American letters, Pynchon and DeLillo. By examining implicit [...]
Mason & Dixon er en kompleks, morsom og saftig fortelling om nybyggere og innfødte, om voldsomme sjøslag, erotiske og politiske forviklinger, istykkerrevne snøreliv og alvorlig misbruk av kaffe! Mason & Dixon er fortellingen om Charles Mason (1728-1786) og Jeremiah Dixon (1733-1779), de to briti[...]
Vi følger den forvirrede, desillusjonerte og festglade Benny Profane i drift gjennom sekstitallets New York. Vi lusker i Nord-Afrikas spionmiljø i 1890-årene og i Firenzes mørklagte gater, forskanses i ingenmannsland i det sørlige Afrika hos fordrukne europeiske kolonister omgitt av opprørere,[...]
En el ano 1984 Londres es una ciudad lugubre en la que la Policia del Pensamiento controla de forma asfixiante la vida de los ciudadanos. Winston Smith es un peon de este engranaje perverso, su cometido es reescribir la historia para adaptarla a lo que el Partido considera la version oficial de los [...]
Naturlige mangler er ? kort fortalt ? en noir detektivroman, men ikke en helt normal af slagsen. Hovedpersonen Doc Sportello er ikke en hårdkogt privatdetektiv a la Chandlers Philip Marlowe, men en mere blødkogt version - en evigt potrygende hippie, der dårligt kan få sig til at kræve betaling[...]
Thomas Pynchon, kosmopoliten bland amerikanska författare, lÃ¥ter sin drygt tusensidiga roman Mot dagen utspela sig i skuggan av första världskriget mellan 1893 och 1923 bland barnsliga ballongfarare, amerikanska anarkister, korrupta kapitalister, märkliga matematiker, fala äventyrerskor och lÃ[...]
Den då tjugosexårige Tomas Pynchons nu femtio år gamla debutroman V. för första gången på svenska. V. är en civilisationskritisk romanberättelse med nedslag i olika tider och rum: Kairo 1898, Florens 1899, Paris 1913, tyska Syd-väst Afrika 1922, Malta på 40-talet och under kriget samt New[...]