In his long-awaited, vastly innovative new novel, Naipaul, "one of literature's great travelers" (Los Angles Times), spans continents and centuries to create what is at once an autobiography and a fictional archaeology of colonialism. "Dickensian . . . a brilliant new prism through which to view (Na[...]
A short novel on two English people and their search for freedom in a complex African nation accompanies two works of fiction which illustrate the consequences of liberation[...]
A series of personal encounters throughout Indira Gandhi's India clearly reveals the overwhelming problems and agonies of the nation torn by overpopulation, poverty, and dissent. Reprint. 12,500 first printing.[...]
THE THIRD BOOK IN V.S. NAIPAUL'S ACCLAIMED INDIAN TRILOGY - WITH A NEW PREFACE BY THE AUTHOR Much has changed since V. S. Naipaul's first trip to India and this fascinating account of his return journey focuses on India's development since independence. Taking an anti-clockwise journey around the[...]
Naipaul follows the fortunes of Mr Biswas, t he outsider who refuses to conform to the customs of his gra nder in-laws whose house he lives in. Finally finding a hous e of his own, he triumphs over the smaller minds who would r epress him. '[...]
V S Naipul besökte den amerikanska Södern första gÃ¥ngen 1984, i samband med det republikanska konventet i Dallas. Han bar pÃ¥ minnet av tjugo Ã¥rs tidningsrubriker och väntade sig finna en omänsklig stad, fylld av lagerbyggnader och bevakad av beväpnade civilgardister. I stÃ[...]