"All the King's Men" is considered the finest novel ever written on American politics. Set in the 1930s, this book traces the rise and fall of Willie Stark, who resembles the real-life Huey "Kingfish" Long of Louisiana. Stark begins his political career as an idealistic man of the people but soon be[...]
"Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, Robert Penn Warren's tale of ambition and power set in the Depression-era South is widely considered the finest novel ever written about American politics.
All the King's Men traces the rise and fall of demagogue Willie Stark, a fictional character loosely based on[...]
Winner of the 1947 Pulitzer Prize, "All the King's Men" is one of the most famous and widely read works in American fiction. It traces the rise and fall of demagogue Willie Talos, a fictional Southern politician who resembles the real-life Huey "Kingfish" Long of Louisiana. Talos begins his career a[...]
If humans are purely physical, and if it is the brain that does the work formerly assigned to the mind or soul, then how can it fail to be the case that all of our thoughts and actions are determined by the laws of neurobiology? If this is the case, then free will, moral responsibility, and, indeed,[...]
America's Response to China has long been the standard resource for a succinct, historically grounded assessment of an increasingly complicated relationship. Written by one of America's leading diplomatic historians, this book analyzes the concerns and conceptions that have shaped U.S.-China policy [...]
Winner of the 2006 Nordic Council's Literature Prize, Swedish writer Goran Sonnevi is undoubtedly one of the most important poets working today. In "Mozart's Third Brain", his thirteenth book of verse, he attempts "a commentary on everything" - politics, current events, mathematics, love, ethics, mu[...]
The Lord's Prayer pulses with new life through the exquisite illustrations of award-winning artist Richard Jesse Watson, and simple, yet insightful commentary by bestselling author Rick Warren[...]
Fleeing the intrigues of court life, Fiona, Queen Mab's headstrong niece, escapes to Manhattan's Central Park, where she comes face to face with a nasty demon and with a sexy and mysterious stranger, cantankerous werewolf Tobias Walker. Original.[...]
Exam success from the experts
Offers information of what church leaders need to know about the factors and practices that create church members who are actively and passionately involved in their congregations. This book also offers advice for moving church members from being spectators to living a life of discipleship and faith[...]
This book explores the implications of recent insights in modern neuroscience for the church's view of spiritual formation.[...]
The York Notes series covers major works from medieval to modern English literature, and classic and contemporary works from Europe, America, the Commonwealth and the Third World. This text covers the selected poems of Sylvia Plath.[...]
'York Notes' offer an approach to English literature that aims to fully reflect student needs. They are filled with summaries, commentaries, exam advice, margin and textual features to offer a wider context to the text and encourage a critical analysis.[...]
From one of the most prestigious nonprofit organizations devoted to environmental issues comes a clear, practical, and rational overview of the relationship between consumers and the environment.
Paper or plastic? Bus or car? Old house or new? Cloth diapers or disposables? Som[...]
'Shaw's refusal to moralise about the sex trade, only about the system that supports it, provides the play with its dramatic tension and surprising modernity.' Guardian Shaw's 1893 play centres on the mother and daughter relationship between Kitty Warren and her Cambridge-educated daughter, Vivie, w[...]
A textbook introduction to Scotland's natural environment covering land reform, the future of farming, public access, conservation of moorland and birds of prey, the place of forestry, and the control of alien species and red deer, and taking up the challenge of integrating conservation with social [...]