Elie Wiesel was a towering presence on the world stage--a Nobel laureate, activist, adviser to world leaders, and the author of more than forty books, including the Oprah's Book Club selection Night. But when asked, Wiesel always said, "I a[...]
Israel Meir Lau, one of the youngest survivors of Buchenwald, was just eight years old when the camp was liberated in 1945. Descended from a 1000-year unbroken chain of rabbis, he grew up to become Chief Rabbi of Israel and like many of the great rabbis, Lau is a master storyteller. Out of the Depth[...]
When an essay is due and dreaded exams loom, here's the lit-crit help students need to succeed! SparkNotes Literature Guides make studying smarter, better, and faster. They provide chapter-by-chapter analysis, explanations of key themes, motifs and symbols, a review quiz, and essay topics. Lively an[...]
Operative Techniques in Spine Surgery provides full-color, step-by-step explanations of all operative procedures in spine surgery. It contains 19 chapters from the spine section and 10 chapters from the pediatric section of Dr. Sam W. Wiesels Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery, as well as 1[...]
In 1930, 757,000 Jews lived in Romania; they constituted the third largest Jewish community in Europe. Today not more than 14,000 Jews live in Romania, most of them elderly. The record of the Holocaust in Romania includes many curious chapters of support and betrayal, but they have been largely unav[...]
A powerful, life-affirming new perspective on the Holocaust available to coincide with the seventieth anniversary of the end of WWII and the liberation of the Nazi death and concentration camps by Allied troops.For the children and grandchildren of Holocaust (Shoah) survivors and refugees from Nazi [...]
Atemlos, bewusst karg im Stil erzählt Elie Wiesel seine Erfahrung als Kind in Auschwitz. Jeder Satz ist ein Testament, jede Zeile spricht uns unmittelbar an. Das wichtigste Werk Elie Wiesels und Bezugspunkt all seiner anderen Bücher. Ein Grundbuch zu einem unauslöschlichen Kapitel deutscher Gesch[...]
En lavmælt og sterk beretning om konsentrasjonsleirens innvirkning på et følsomt barnesinn. Forfatteren var selv 15 da han ble deportert.[...]
Elie Wiesels tre stærke selvbiografiske romaner med baggrund i forfatterens oplevelser under og efter 2. verdenskrig udkommer nu i Rosinantes klassikerserie.
Den jødiske forfatter, professor og politiske aktivist Elie Wiesels trilogi Natten, Daggry og Dagen i samlet udgave. De tre r[...]
De bibelske personer i denne bog vil sandsynligvis være velkendte for læseren, men Elie Wiesel føjer nye og interessante sider til det kendte. I disse portrætter, der oprindeligt har været holdt som foredrag, har Wiesel udviklet sin egen særlige fortællestil, hvor han med udgangspunkt i bibel[...]
Elie Wiesel tegner - som det er sket i de foregående tre bøger (Fem Bibelske portrætter, Adam og andre bibelske fortællinger og Fra Noa til Ester) - en række ´portrætter´ af bibelske kvinder og mænd.[...]
Boken har vunnit Företagsekonomiska institutets pris för bästa läromedel i företagsekonomi utgivet 2006!
Juryns motivering:
I denna antologi presenteras flerårig forskning kring effektivitetssträvanden inom den svenska statsförvaltningen. Författarna antar ett proble[...]