Paul Kemp has moved from New York to the steamy heat of Puerto Rico to work at the Daily News. He starts hanging out at Al's Backyard, a local den selling booze and hamburgers to vagrant journalists who are mostly crazy drunks on the verge of quitting. Then he meets Yeamon, whose delectable girlfrie[...]
Before there was Gonzo, there was just plain Hunter -- a precocious, earnest, and occasionally troublesome honor student in Louisville, Kentucky.
Before there was Doctor Thompson, there was Airman Thompson -- the military's answer to Grantland Rice, protecting America by covering sports [...]
Over the course of Hunter S. Thompson's extraordi-nary life he was publicly branded a bum, a vandal, a thief, a liar, an addict, a freak, and a psychopath. Some of which were true. Yet even when compared to the most significant figures of the 20th century, his legacy retains a brilliantly vital forc[...]
With new biographical information about Thompson and an examination of his writing techniques, this book provides readers with a better understanding of the journalist and novelist. A look beyond the larger-than-life public persona, Hunter S. Thompson: Fear, Loathing, and the Birth of Gonzo will be [...]
"The Rum Diary" was begun in 1959 by then-twenty-two-year-old Hunter S. Thompson. It was his first novel, and he told his friend, the author William Kennedy, that "The Rum Diary" would "in a twisted for San Juan what Ernest Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" did for Paris." In Paul Kemp, the [...]
Hunter S. Thompson was the creator of a new kind of journalism and invented a new style of writing. Gonzo was a wild, often drug- and drink-fuelled adventure, in which Thompson examined the politics, people, and values of his times. In the three great collections of Gonzo writings, The Great Shark H[...]
Begun in 1959 by a twenty-two-year-old Hunter S. Thompson, "The Rum Diary "is a brilliantly tangled love story of jealousy, treachery, and violent alcoholic lust in the Caribbean boomtown that was San Juan, Puerto Rico, in the late 1950s. The narrator, freelance journalist Paul Kemp, irresistibly dr[...]
Forty years after its original publication, "Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail 72 "remains a cornerstone of American political journalism and one of the bestselling campaign books of all time. Hunter S. Thompson s searing account of the battle for the 1972 presidency from the Democratic primar[...]
More than a decade after his death, Hunter S. Thompson is as popular - and as relevant - as ever. Vigorously political, he both anticipated the situation in Washington now and here, in a collection that ranges from an early conversation with Studs Terkel, to a decade-long exchange with editor David [...]
This is a superb collection of interviews with one of the most controversial, admired, and influential writers of the twentieth century.In 1971, the outlandish originator of gonzo journalism, Hunter S. Thompson (1937-2005) commandeered the international limelight with his best-selling comic masterpi[...]
A wild ride to the dark side of Americana. Hunter S. Thompson's and Ralph Steadman's most eccentric book "The Curse of Lono" is to Hawaii what "Fear and Loathing" was to Las Vegas: the crazy tales of a journalist's "coverage" of a news event that ends up being a wild ride to the dark side of America[...]
Hunter S. Thompson (1937-2005) arbeidet som journalist og forfatter, og Frykt og avsky i Las Vegas er hans mest kjente bok. Thompson introduserte begrepet gonzojournalistkk; en høyst personlig og usensurert reportasjestil. Denne romanen er en kultklassiker! "Frykt og avsky i Las Vegas er en brennen[...]
Filmatisert med Johnny Depp, Amber Heard og Aaron Eckhart i hovedrollene. Paul Kemp har flyttet fra New York til Puerto Rico for å jobbe i avisa The Daily News. I avisa er alt kaos, ryktene går om snarlig konkurs, og i følge sjefen er alle som jobber der alkoholiserte, ubrukelige gærninger. Pue[...]
"Via telefon ger han mig en färdbeskrivning till sin vän som är vår värd för kvällen. Sen frågar han:
- Dricker du?
- Självklart.
- Bra. Kan du ta med dig en flaska Bombay Sapphire Gin?"
De är ökända nutidsskildrare och kontroversiella skildrare av depraverade och demoral[...]
Redan första kvällen i San Juan hamnar New York-skribenten Paul Kemp på Als Backyard en kvarterskrog känd för sina hamburgare, romdrinkar och de vilda journalistfyllon som gjort haket till sitt stamställe. De flesta jobbar på Pauls nya arbetsplats, Daily News, en engelskspråkig tidning som [...]
Vi befann oss nÃ¥gonstans i närheten av Barstow just där öknen tog sin början när drogerna började ta. Jag minns att jag sa nÃ¥got i stil med "Jag känner mej lite yr i huvet; kanske bäst att du kör..." Och plötsligt hördes ett dÃ¥n omkring oss och himlen var full av vad som sÃ¥g ut som jÃ[...]
Redan första kvällen i San Juan hamnar New York-skribenten Paul Kemp på Als Backyard, en kvarterskrog känd för sina hamburgare, romdrinkar och de vilda journalistfyllon som gjort haket till sitt stamställe. De flesta jobbar på Pauls nya arbetsplats, Daily News, en engelskspråkig tidning som [...]
?Jag är på humör för att skriva en lång, besynnerlig historia? en berättelse så märklig och fruktansvärd att den kommer att förändra den normale läsarens hjärna för evigt.? ?HUNTER S THOMPSON Hunter S Thompson gick så långt utanför ramarna att ett nytt ord fick uppfinnas bara för a[...]
Suuri hainmetsästys sisältää Hunter S. Thompsonin parhaat ja rajuimmat lehtijutut - nyt ensimmäistä kertaa kokonaisuudessaan. Nixonista napalmiin, Carterista kokaiiniin, Muhammed Alista Helvetin Enkeleihin. Hunter S. Thompson vangitsee amerikkalaisen yhteiskunnan hulluuden ja todellisuuden par[...]
Vaviskaa. Hedonismin ylipappi ja amerikkalaisen painajaisen ylivertainen kronikoitsija kertoo rajojen rikkomiseen omistautuneen elämänsä tarinan. Gonzokirjallisuuden kummisetä ottaa ensimmäistä kertaa käsittelyyn aiheen, jota kukaan muu ei voisi hoitaa: hänet itsensä. Tämä on kertomus vau[...]
Hunter S. Thompsonin alter ego, maailmaa nähnyt, tiedostava ja fiksu kolmekymppinen journalisti Paul Kemp, muuttaa New Yorkista Puerto Ricon San Juaniin. Hän alkaa paiskia hommia paikallisen Daily Newsin reportterina. Suurin osa toimittajista on hulluja juoppoja, jotka vain odottelevat potkuja Kar[...]
Mulkero -tarinakokoelma on juuri niin häkellyttävä ja brutaalisen runollinen kuin siitä alettiin huhuta heti sen ilmestyttyä ensimmäistä kertaa vuonna 1991 pienenä 300 kappaleen keräilypainoksena. Purevan hauska, rivo ja hämmentävä novellikokoelma sisältää kronikan H.S.T:n ensimmäise[...]
Harley Davidsoneilla päristelevät, karskit, myyttiset desperadot, Helvetin Enkelit saivat 1960-luvulla pelkällä hurjalla maineellaan kokonaiset kaupungit kauhun valtaan. Gonzojournalisti Hunter S. Thompson päätti ottaa totuuden selville Helvetin Enkeleistä ja vietti vuoden tien päällä heid[...]
Hunter S. Thompson was the creator of a new kind of journalism and invented a new style of writing. "Gonzo" was a wild, often drug- and drink-fuelled adventure, in which Thompson examined the politics, people, and values of his times. In the three great collections of "Gonzo" writings, "The Great Sh[...]