When the doors of the lift crank open, the only thing Thomas remembers is his first name. But he's not alone. He's surrounded by boys who welcome him to the Glade - a walled encampment at the centre of a bizarre and terrible stone maze. Like Thomas, the Gladers don't know why or how they came to be [...]
Thomas was sure that escape from the maze meant he and the Gladers would get their lives back. But no one knew what sort of life they were going back to. The earth is a wasteland. Government and order have disintegrated and now Cranks, people driven to murderous insanity by the infectious disease kn[...]
When sun flares hit the Earth, intense heat, toxic radiation and flooding followed, wiping out much of the human race. Those who survived live in basic communities in the mountains, hunting for food. For Mark and his friends, surviving is difficult, and then an enemy arrives, infecting people with a[...]
When the doors of the lift crank open, the only thing Thomas remembers is his first name. But he's not alone. He's surrounded by boys who welcome him to the Glade - a walled encampment at the centre of a bizarre and terrible stone maze. Like Thomas, the Gladers don't know why or how they came to be [...]
Thomas was sure that escape from the maze meant he and the Gladers would get their lives back. But no one knew what sort of life they were going back to. The earth is a wasteland. Government and order have disintegrated and now Cranks, people driven to murderous insanity by the infectious disease kn[...]
The Trials are over. WICKED have collected all the information they can. Now it's up to the Gladers to complete the blueprint for the cure to the Flare with a final voluntary test. But something has happened that no-one at WICKED has foreseen: Thomas has remembered more than they think. And he knows[...]
When sun flares hit the Earth, intense heat, toxic radiation and flooding followed, wiping out much of the human race. Those who survived live in basic communities in the mountains, hunting for food. For Mark and his friends, surviving is difficult, and then an enemy arrives, infecting people with a[...]
The three books in the pulse-pounding Maze Runner series! When the doors of the lift crank open, the only thing Thomas remembers is his first name. But he's not alone. He's surrounded by boys who welcome him to the Glade - a walled encampment at the centre of a bizarre and terrible stone maze. But t[...]
The first three books in the pulse-pounding Maze Runner series! When the doors of the lift crank open, the only thing Thomas remembers is his first name. But he's not alone. He's surrounded by boys who welcome him to the Glade - a walled encampment at the centre of a bizarre and terrible stone maze.[...]
To celebrate the release of major motion picture _The Maze Runner_ in October 2014, the _New York Times_ bestselling title will be exclusively produced as a limited edition slipcased hardback.[...]
Træd ind i labyrinten, hvor kun den stærkeste overlever - og den hurtigste undslipper.
Maze Runner (1) - Labyrinten er en hæsblæsende og hjernevridende fortælling, hvor intet er, som det er ud. Trilogien er solgt til udgivelse i 18 lande, og første bind er bogen bag efteråret 2014´s [...]
Det hele slutter her. Vil der være nogen overlevende? Dødskuren er en hæsblæsende og hjernevridende dystopisk fortælling, hvor intet er, som det ser ud. Trilogien er solgt til udgivelse i 42 lande, og første bind var bogen bag efteråret 2014s store ungdomsfilm. Bog to er også filmatiseret.[...]
När Thomas vaknar upp i en hiss minns han ingenting, bara sitt eget namn. När hissdörrarna öppnas möter Thomas en stor grupp tonÃ¥rskillar, som liksom han själv har fÃ¥tt sina minnen raderade. De är inlÃ¥sta i ett stort omrÃ¥de som omges av höga stenmurar.Â
Allt de vet är att [...]
Efter flykten från labyrinten trodde Thomas att han och de andra skulle få sina liv tillbaka. Men ingen av dem visste vilken sorts liv som väntade dem.
Nu vet de. En bränd jord, förstörd av klimatförändringar och sjukdom. En värld som härskas av kaos.
Flykten är lÃ¥ngt ifrÃ¥n Ã[...]
De har tagit ifrån Thomas allt: hans vanliga liv, hans minnen och nu hans enda vänner. Världen är full av kaos och han har skaffat sig övermäktiga motståndare. Men Thomas fiender vet inte att han har fler minnen av sitt tidigare liv än de tror. Han minns tillräckligt mycket för att veta at[...]
När Thomas vaknar upp i en hiss minns han ingenting, bara sitt eget namn. När hissdörrarna öppnas möter Thomas en stor grupp tonårskillar, som liksom han själv har fått sina minnen raderade. De är inlåsta i ett stort område som omges av höga stenmurar.
Allt de vet är att dörrarn[...]
När Thomas vaknar upp i en hiss minns han ingenting, bara sitt eget namn. När hissdörrarna öppnas möter Thomas en stor grupp tonårskillar, som liksom han själv har fått sina minnen raderade. De är inlåsta i ett stort område som omges av höga stenmurar. Allt de vet är att dörrarna till [...]