A young man lives alone with his mother and his beloved dog in a house in a small village overlooking the fjord. The dog has run off and gone missing. This has never happened before...In The Dead Dogs, lives are shockingly disrupted by an event that changes the direction of their future. Fosse's dra[...]
This little known campaign against the Italian invasion of British Somalia was bravely fought by a small force of elderly RAF and Commonwealth aircraft against almost overwhelming odds. This, against a backdrop of Britain's meager assets being in demand in the much more prominent and important theat[...]
The War of 1812 has the strange distinction of being largely forgotten by both of its main participants, and yet its outcome was critically important to the future of North America. In 1814, the Americans launched a last offensive in an attempt to seize Canada. This Niagara campaign saw a number of [...]
"Creating Experiences in the Experience Economy" focuses on the creation of experience from a business perspective. In doing so, the book establishes a more solid foundation for making better and more complex analyses of experience creation, paving the way for the development of analytically based a[...]
The photos in this book are taken from an unpublished album belonged to a member of the elite German Paratroopers. First Sgt Wilhelm Plieschen served with Fallschirmjager Machine Gun Battalion 7. They suffered very heavy losses in the invasion of Crete and then saw bloody conflict as "Hitler s Fire-[...]
Provides a real-world game plan for increasing your top line with marketing and promotion ideas that break through the clutter and get your customer's attention. This title includes 17 Ground Rules - tested and proven - in sports and business, that show how to differentiate yourself from your compet[...]
Jon Tonks spent up to a month at a time in each territory, travelling 60,000 miles around the Atlantic via military outposts, low-lit airstrips and a long voyage aboard the last working Royal Mail Ship. Some 400 rolls of film, 24 flights and 32 days at sea later, the resulting work creates an insigh[...]
Since 2002, Mutants & Masterminds has earned its title as the World's Greatest Superhero RPG, inspiring countless game sessions and winning many awards for excellence. The Mutants & Masterminds Deluxe Hero's Handbook is the revised and expanded core rulebook of the game's Third Edition, detailing ev[...]
OH GEEZ There is no one as unlucky in all of North Dakota as Bobo Backslack. All he wants to do is work hard at his job, get a girlfriend and make his mom proud, but it seems that all forces from the natural to the supernatural are poised against him. His miserable life is exquisitely detailed with[...]
The author of the headline making "GNARR How I Became the Mayor of a Large City in Iceland and Changed the World" (Melville House, 2014), former comedian (and mayor) Jon Gnarr now turns his lens from politics to tell his life story in his literary debut."The Indian" is a highly entertaining and bit[...]
Middelalderen er en eventyrlig periode, som her blir presentert pÃ¥ en ny mÃ¥te. Skrevet lekende og lett i Jon Ewos karakteristiske stil. FÃ¥ en reiseguide til Norge, fÃ¥ vite hvordan det luktet i middelalderen, og hvordan maten smakte. FÃ¥ hjelp til Ã¥ tenke middelaldersk, og lær deg kunsten Ã¥ vÃ[...]
GAMLE TREHUS er det sentrale verket for alle som har et forhold til trehus.Denne nye utgaven gir en praktisk veiledning i alle sider ved rehabilitering, vedlikehold og restaurering, innvendig og utvendig. Ved siden av å være en faglig veileder, gir den også en utvidet og bearbeidet historisk kava[...]
Christoffer Kihle Gjerstad ble bare åtte år. Først fire år senere ble stefaren dømt for å ha påført gutten skadene han døde av. Moren er fremdeles under politietterforskning for medvirkning. Hva får voksne til å mishandle et barn til døde? Og hva gjør at verken den nærmeste familien, [...]
Jon Michelet ble tilkjent 80 000 kroner i erstatning av den norske stat for å ha blitt ulovlig politisk overvåket. Fra midten av 1970-tallet ble han kontinuerlig telefonavlyttet i fire og et halvt år. Han ble også overvåket under reiser han foretok. I denne boka presenteres innholdet i den ma[...]
Negotiating Pasts in the Nordic Countries är en samling fallstudier som spänner från medeltid till nutid, och berättar om hur det förgångna har blivit meningsfullt och relevant för efterkommande människor. När man ser på historien blir man delaktig i en process full av önskan att förstå[...]
Serves as a guided reading series for ages 4-7. Top children's authors and illustrators have created fiction and non-fiction books that your children enjoy reading, and helps you choose the right book for your child. Practical teaching notes are included at the back of each book. It offers developin[...]
Collins Big Cat is a guided reading series for ages 4--9 edited by Cliff Moon. Top children's authors and illustrators have created fiction and non-fiction books that your children will love to read, banded to help you choose the right book for every child. Practical teaching notes are included at t[...]
With The Uxbridge English Dictionary the stars of BBC Radio 4's I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue had the nation in stitches. But times move on, words change and their meanings with them. Comedy's most outrageous dictionary is back with a hilarious new collection of definitions for all those English words [...]
For fans of Bond and Bourne, the third instalment of the pulse-pounding Daniel Marchant spy series.
Re-inventing the spy story for the 21st Century.John Le Carre meets Jason Bourne!
'I loved Jon's book. It's even better than the real thing because you can't hear his voice.' Michael McIntyre A control freak looks for love (women who leave wet teaspoons in sugar bowls need not apply). 'I haven't woken up with a cup of tea by the bed for seven years. It seems such a small thing bu[...]
Teams -- the key to top performanceMotorola relied heavily on teams to surpass its competition in building the lightest, smallest, and highest-quality cell phones. At 3M, teams are critical to meeting the company's goal of producing half of each year's revenues from the previous five years' innovati[...]
When Jon Gruden asks his Tampa Bay Bucs, "Do you love football? " it's to remind them why they pull on their shoulder pads every Sunday morning. It's not about the money or the fame; it's about their passion for what they do.And passion is something that has fueled Gruden's entire career. From his c[...]
A pioneer in forensic anthropology, Dr. Bill Bass created the world's first laboratory dedicated to the study of human decomposition--three acres on a hillside in Tennessee where human bodies are left to the elements. His research has revolutionized forensic science, but during a career that has spa[...]