Leo vet varför han är ledsen. Kanske. Men han vill inte berätta.
Leo och pappa promenerar hem från skolan. Det är en härlig vinterdag och i vanliga fall brukar Leo tycka om att rulla sig i snön, precis som hundar gör. Men inte idag. Leo är ledsen och har en klump i magen. Inte ens bi[...]
Det är bra att ha en hobby och att spela datorspel är Leos hobby. Men ibland tycker pappa att Leo ska sluta spela. Och just den här morgonen händer det värsta - pappa stänger av datorn. Mitt i spelet! Precis när Leo har kommit till en ny nivå och inte hunnit spara.
Leo och datorspelet[...]
Nästan alla Leos kompisar har tappat en tand. Malte har tappat en. Alva har en som är lös. Isak har tappat tre! Men Leo har inte tappat någon.
Alla i skolan pratar om tänder. På rasten tittar de i Isaks mun och alla vill vicka på Alvas lösa tand. Leo försöker vicka på sina tänder [...]
A collection of short fiction by the distinguished Russian writer includes the story Alyosha the Pot, as well as such novellas as The Cossacks, The Death of Ivan Ilych, Family Happiness, Master and Man, The Devil, The Kreutzer Sonata, Father Serguis, and Hadgi Maurat. Reprint. 20,000 first printing.[...]
A grand, romantic saga of two noble Russian families and a multitude of lives swept up in the violent tumult of the Napoleonic Wars, Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace is considered one of the preeminent literary works of all time. Tolstoy originally completed this novel in 1866, but it was not until years[...]
Russian writer Leo Tolstoy is probably best known to the Western world for his epic WAR AND PEACE and splendid ANNA KARENINA, but during his long lifetime Tolstoy also wrote enough shorter works to fill many volumes. Reprinted here are two of his finest short novels -- FAMILY HAPPINESS and MASTER AN[...]
Healthy eating has never been more popular, easier, or budget friendly! From the new organic garden at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and First Lady Michelle Obama's support for healthy, unprocessed food to the national campaign to fight obesity and the growing slow food movement, good eating has moved to[...]
The four Gospels that begin the Bible's New Testament tell the life of Jesus. But each Gospel relates a slightly different version of events. Some stories appear only in one Gospel, while certain other stories are different in each. What Leo Tolstoy sought to do in "The Gospel In Brief" was to apply[...]
The Batali Brothers Cookbook by Leo Batali has descriptive copy which is not yet available from the Publisher.[...]
Leo isn't reading, or writing, or drawing, or even speaking, and his father is concerned. But Leo's mother isn't. She knows her son will do all those things, and more, when he's ready. 'Reassuring for other late bloomers, this book is illustrated with beguiling pictures.' -- Saturday Review.[...]
"Principles of Environmental Engineering" is intended for a course in introductory environmental engineering for sophomore- or junior-level students. The emphasis of this text is on engineering principles rather than on engineering design. Students should understand such calculus topics as different[...]
"Water and Wastewater Engineering" integrates theory and design. Fundamental environmental engineering principles are used as the foundation for rigorous design of conventional and advanced water and wastewater treatment processes. Reverse osmosis, membrane filtration, UV disinfection, biological nu[...]
A guide to water and wastewater engineering. It offers comprehensive coverage of the design and construction of municipal water and wastewater facilities. It addresses water treatment, following the flow of water through the unit processes of coagulation, flocculation, softening, sedimentation, filt[...]
Fundamental environmental engineering principles are used as the foundation for rigorous design of conventional and advanced water and wastewater treatment processes. Integrating theory and design, this title follows the flow of water through a water treatment plant and the flow of wastewater throug[...]
"War and Peace" is one of the richest novels ever written. Tolstoy's enthralling epic combines history and fiction in his depiction of Russia's lengthy war with the French armies of Napoleon and its effects on the domestic lives of those caught up in the conflict. He creates some of the most vital a[...]
A NEW TRANSLATION BY RICHARD PEVEAR AND LARISSA VOLOKHONSKY Tolstoy's enthralling epic depicts Russia's war with Napoleon and its effects on the lives of those caught up in the conflict. He creates some of the most vital and involving characters in literature as he follows the rise and fall of famil[...]
The greatest love story ever told.
Anna Karenina is a novel of unparalleled richness and complexity, set against the backdrop of Russian high society. Tolstoy charts the course of the doomed love affair between Anna, a beautiful married woman, and Count Vronsky, a wealthy army officer who pursue[...]
"The Death of Ivan Ilyich" is one of the masterpieces of Tolstoy's late fiction and the first major fictional work to be published by the author after his crisis and conversion to Christianity. The story of the life and death at the age of forty-five, of a high court prosecutor in 19th-century Russi[...]
"The Death of Ivan Ilyich" is one of the masterpieces of Tolstoy's late fiction. This collection includes "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" and nine other stories such as "Hadji Murat", "The Devil", and "War and Peace".[...]
Until recently, all of the interactions between objects in virtual 3D worlds have been based on calculations performed using linear algebra. Linear algebra relies heavily on coordinates, however, which can make many geometric programming tasks very specific and complex-often a lot of effort is requi[...]
Acoustics: Sound Fields and Transducers is a thoroughly updated version of Leo Beranek's classic 1954 book that retains and expands on the original's detailed acoustical fundamentals while adding practical formulas and simulation methods. Serving both as a text for students in engineering department[...]
Documenting Latin America focuses on the central themes of race, gender, and politics. These themes are especially important for understanding and evaluating the history of Latin America, where identities were forged out of the conflicts, negotiations, and intermixing of peoples from Europe, Afr[...]
800x600 The Concise Introduction to Modern SOA: High-Value Approaches, Innovative Technologies, Proven Use Cases After a decade of innovation in technology and practice, SOA is now a mainstream computing discipline, capable of transforming IT enterprises and optimizing business automation. [...]