Michael Wilson - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Michael Wilson
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  1. The Essential Charles Eastman (Ohiyesa) (Pocket)


    Charles Eastman, Michael Oren (EDT) Fitzgerald, Raymond (FRW) Wilson

    ISBN: 9781933316338 - UTGIVEN: 2007-04

    This revised and updated edition contains the most important writings of Charles Eastman (Ohiyesa), the first Native American author to live simultaneously in both the traditional world of the Santee Sioux and the modern civilization of the white man. Dr. Eastman also attended the injured at the Bat[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 204.00 kr
  2. Yakuza Moon: The True Story of a Gangster's Daughter (Pocket)


    Tendo, Shoko, Wilson, Sean Michael

    ISBN: 9784770031464 - UTGIVEN: 2011-07-19

    Adaptation of: Yakuza moon: memoirs of a gangster's daughter / Shoko Tendo; translated by Louise Heal. 2008.[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 238.00 kr