"Nightmares and Fairy Tales" returns to the book's manga-inspired roots with two new retellings of classic horror stories and fairy tales. This issue features two stories inspired by "Sleeping Beauty" and H.P. Lovecraft's "Shadow over Innsmouth".[...]
Unlike most boys growing up, Valentino Garavani never wanted to be a fireman, a policeman, a forest ranger, or an airline pilot. Imbued with an aesthetic sense and love of beauty from an early age, the future Italian haute couture dress designer knew where his destiny lay in making women stunningly [...]
President Obama has promised change to America and one of the things he's set his sights on is the lawless New Port City and it's villainous dictator, Bomb Queen! But our favorite super villain is ready to show the world the true meaning of absolute evil! Don't miss the world-altering Bomb Queen vs.[...]
Valentino Rossi fans can admire this Italian motorbike star in this unofficial A3 calendar for 2018. Enjoy a great mix of action and close-up shots featuring this icon of sport.[...]
Valentino Rossi fans can admire this Italian motorbike star in this unofficial A3 calendar for 2019. Enjoy a great mix of action and close-up shots featuring this icon of sport.[...]
Traction control? Engine management? Acres of run-off? You've got to be joking: motorcycle racing's Age of Superheroes, 1988-93, was the nadir of two-stroke Grand Prix racing, when macho colonials slugged it out on evil two-strokes capable of 200mph. Even Valentino Rossi acknowledges this period as [...]
'Valentissimo! Viva Valentino!' exclaimed Vogue, lauding the achievements of the first Italian dress designer to take on the Paris fashion world and achieve haute couture status. Drawing on Vogue's archive of imagery and text, as well as the author's exclusive interview with the designer, this book [...]
To know a city is to become intimately intertwined with its nooks, crevices, secret passageways and dark places where its lifeblood flows and what city has more of those than Venice? In "The Other Venice", Predrag Matvejevic ventures past the infamous canals and cobblestone streets of the tourist's [...]
The route of a pilot of legend, since his beginnings including this famous crack with valence. An exceptional and matchless fate in 22 years of Grand Prix motorcycle. Plunge into the universe motorcycle GP in the form of a photo album texts way BD of the track in the wings of a man in the magic pass[...]
The concepts of memory and experience have stimulated interest in a wide range of recent cultural studies. In the history of scholarship on religion in Mediterranean antiquity, scholars have focused on the emotional dimension of both terms by employing the concepts of Christianity and its derivative[...]
Hva er dette Hva er en roman om mennesker midt i krigens galskap, en uforglemmelig historie om tragedie og triumf.DENNE ROMANEN ER BASERT PÅ EN SANN HISTORIESudan; ansikt til ansikt med en av de mest brutale borgerkriger verden noen gang har sett. Valentino Achak Deng er bare en liten gutt når kon[...]
Denna bok ger en bred introduktion till datakommunikation i allmänhet och internetteknologi i synnerhet. Vad Internet är beror helt på vem du frågar, och detsamma gäller ämnet datakommunikation. Från att ha varit ett specialämne som studenter möjligtvis läste i årskurs 3 eller 4 på datat[...]
Viola Blomdahl arbetar på Kungliga biblioteket. Av en tillfällighet upptäcker hon att det i myndighetens källarlokaler bedrivs en fördold och illegal verksamhet. Istället för att mikrofilma ett växande hyllager, sker en registrering av muslimer i Sverige. Hon delger en journalistkollega si[...]
Jin Yan tells the remarkable story of the "Emperor of Film," who dominated the golden age of Chinese silent movies. Includes dozens of beautiful stills of Jin Yan and his films from the personal collection of Qin Yi and the China Film Archive. The book comes with a DVD of the film, Peach Girl.[...]
2013 marks the 400th anniversary of the birth of Mattia Preti. This important occasion is being marked by an exhibition organized by Heritage Malta and the Comune of Taverna, where Mattia Preti was born. The exhibition is the final stage of a three year process during which the works of Preti have b[...]