This inaugural-and all new-Tarcher Cornerstone Edition presents a stunningly relevant and reliable translation of the thoughts and aphorisms of the Stoic philosopher and Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, properly placing the philosopher-king's writings within the vein of the world's great religious and[...]
In addition to the acclaim he garnered as a military leader and as Roman Emperor in the years 161 to 180, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus is regarded as one of the key figures in the philosophical school of thought known as Stoicism. This collection of essays and aphorisms offers a comprehensive introduct[...]
The philosophical thoughts of Emperor Marcus Aurelius are presented here in a superb reprint, brimming with the intellect and sincerity of the author. Known for his tolerance and benevolence, Marcus Aurelius was the only Emperor to tolerate satire of his own character. As a ruler he was renowned for[...]
Part of a series of sacred texts selected from the major writings of the world's spiritual traditions.[...]
Marcus Aurelius is the one great figure of antiquity who still speaks to us today, nearly 2,000 years after his death. A philosopher as well as an emperor, his was an extraordinary reign. He proved himself a great leader. This is his biography.[...]
The message of this book is simple but powerful; we have a short time on earth, we don't know what is going to happen, and it doesn't matter. It is the best defense available agains the problems and stresses of out time.[...]
"The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180)" offer a wide range of fascinating spiritual reflections and exercises developed as the Roman Emperor struggled to understand himself and make sense of the universe. Spanning doubt and despair to conviction and exaltation, they cover such diverse topi[...]
Constantly regard the universe as one living being, having one substance and one soul; and observe how all things have reference to one perception, the perception of this one living being; and how all things act with one movement; and how all things are the cooperating causes of all things which exi[...]
The celebrated 'Meditations' of Marcus Aurelius have endured as a potent expression of Stoic belief and remain an intriguing insight into the mind of one of Rome's greatest emperors. The Ancient Classics series provides eReaders with the wisdom of the Classical world, with both English translations [...]
Marcus Aurelius Complete Works - World's Best World's Best CollectionThis is the world's best Marcus Aurelius collection, including the most complete set of Aurelius's works available plus many free bonus materials.Marcus AureliusMarcus Aurelius was a Roman Emperor from 161 to 180, known as one of t[...]
This Stoicism Collection contains three of the most notable Stoic pieces, The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, Seneca's Letters from a Stoic, and The Discourses of Epictetus. These three pieces are the foundations of Stoicism.[...]
Marcus Aurelius Til meg selv stammer fra slutten av det 2. århundre e.Kr. Aurelius' tekst er dypt personlig, knyttet til hans eget liv og erfaringer og sikkert ikke skrevet med tanke på offentliggjørelse. Auerelius sluttet seg til den stoiske lære og taler til seg selv for å styrke og lutre sit[...]
Hur gick den till, den stora och snabba förändringen i Birger Sjöbergs författarskap från de idylliska och lätt parodiska Fridas Bok 1922 och Kvartetten, som sprängdes 1924 till den banbrytande och svårbegripliga Kriser och kransar 1926?
Eva Hættner Aurelius lyfter fram två fak[...]
Det universella och det individuella ger en inblick i det samtida litteraturvetenskapliga
forskningsfältet. Ett trettiotal forskare medverkar i denna antologi vars innehåll spänner från det
andliga till det sekulära, från medeltiden till det moderna, från det teoretiska till
det biog[...]
ARTIKLARNA I DENNA VOLYM bygger på föredrag som hölls vid symposiet "Litteraturens värde". Om litteraturens och litteraturvetenskapens bidrag till den kulturella, etiska och samhälleliga utvecklingen - svenska och tyska perspektiv - som ägde rum vid Kungl. vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets A[...]
Översatt av Bengt Ellenberger med förord av Bent Dalsgaard Larsen. För första gången kan vi nu ta del av detta utomordentligt berömda och inflytelserika teologiska verk. Bok 19-22 är de böcker i Om Guds stad som är de mest centrala för Augustinus syn på kyrkan.[...]
Aurelius Augustinus (354-430) är västerlandets mest betydande kyrkofader och en av de största tänkare som den kristna traditionen känt. Hans inflytande är betydande för utvecklingen av snart sagt hela den kristna teologin, och hans tänkande är fortfarande aktuellt bÃ¥de innanför och utanfÃ[...]