Biology - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Biology
Visar Resultat (76-100)
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  1. Human Biology (Häftad)


    Sylvia S. Mader

    ISBN: 9780077366773 - UTGIVEN: 200906

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    från 0.00 kr
  2. Jämför priser
    från 1169.00 kr
  3. Marine Biology

    ISBN: 9780078023064 - UTGIVEN: 2015-09

    Marine Biology covers the basics of marine biology with a global approach, using examples from numerous regions and ecosystems worldwide. This introductory, one-semester text is designed for non-majors. Authors Castro and Huber have made a special effort to include solid basic science content needed[...]

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    från 1328.00 kr
  4. Biology

    ISBN: 9780078024269 - UTGIVEN: 2015-01

    THE MADER/WINDELSPECHT STORY...The twelfth edition of Biology is a traditional, comprehensive introductory biology textbook, with coverage from Cell Structure and Function to the Conservation of Biodiversity. The book, which centers on the evolution and diversity of organisms, is appropriate for any[...]

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    från 1569.00 kr
  5. Self-Modifying Systems in Biology and Cognitive Science: A New Framework for Dynamics, Information and Complexity (Inbunden)


    George Kampis, G. Kampis

    ISBN: 9780080369792 - UTGIVEN: 2001-01-01

    The theme of this book is the self-generation of information by the self-modification of systems. The author explains why biological and cognitive processes exhibit identity changes in the mathematical and logical sense. This concept is the basis of a new organizational principle which utilizes shif[...]

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    från 572.00 kr
  6. Chemistry And Biology Of Hyaluronan (Inbunden)


    Hari G. (EDT) Garg, Charles A. (EDT) Hales, Hari G. (EDT) Garg

    ISBN: 9780080443829 - UTGIVEN: 2004-07

    It was probably the French chemist Portes, who first reported in 1880 that the mucin in the vitreous body, which he named hyalomucine, behaved differently from other mucoids in cornea and cartilage. Fifty four years later, Karl Meyer isolated a new polysaccharide from the vitreous, which he named hy[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 1933.00 kr
  7. A Guinea Pig's History of Biology: The Plants and Animals Who Taught Us the Facts of Life (Storpocket)


    Jim Endersby

    ISBN: 9780099471240 - UTGIVEN: 2008-05

    The triumphs of recent biology - understanding hereditary disease, the modern theory of evolution - are all thanks to the fruit fly, the guinea pig, the zebra fish and a handful of other organisms, which have helped us unravel one of life's greatest mysteries - inheritance.Jim Endersby traces his st[...]

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    från 164.00 kr
  8. Genetics and Molecular Biology of Rhythms in Drosophila and Other Insects (Inbunden)


    Jeffrey C. Hall

    ISBN: 9780120176489 - UTGIVEN: 2003-02

    Biological rhythms, such as the sleep-wake cycle or circadian clock, are an intriguing aspect of biology. The regulation of daily rhythmicity has long been a mystery, up until the mid-1980's when a key gene in the fruitfly, Drosophila melanogaster, was molecularly identified. Genetic and molecular c[...]

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    från 1442.00 kr
  9. Advances In Marine Biology (Inbunden)

    ISBN: 9780120261383 - UTGIVEN: 2000-06-05

    Offers reviews on a variety of topics in marine biology.

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    från 1557.00 kr
  10. Ethylene In Plant Biology (Inbunden)


    Frederick B. Abeles, Page W. Morgan, Mikal E. Saltveit

    ISBN: 9780120414512 - UTGIVEN: 1992-07-20

    Provides a survey of what is known about ethylene, a structurally simplest of all plant growth regulators. This volume contains a bibliographic guide to the literature of this field. It covers progress in molecular biology and biotechnology as well as biochemistry, plant physiology, development, reg[...]

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    från 423.00 kr
  11. Mathematical Models For Society And Biology (Inbunden)


    Edward J. Beltrami

    ISBN: 9780120855612 - UTGIVEN: 2002-01-01

    In this text the author shows the relevance of mathematical modelling in social and life sciences, to readers who may have little background in mathematics, statistics and engineering.[...]

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    från 762.00 kr
  12. Human Reproductive Biology (Inbunden)


    Richard E. Jones, Kristin H. Lopez

    ISBN: 9780120884650 - UTGIVEN: 2006-05-15

    Emphasizing the biological and biomedical aspects of human reproduction, this book explains the advances in reproductive science. It also incorporates issues including aging of the reproductive system, and chapters on Conception and Gamete Transport and Fertilization, and Pregnancy.[...]

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    från 0.00 kr
  13. Molecular Biology and Genomics (Pocket)


    Cornel Mulhardt

    ISBN: 9780120885466 - UTGIVEN: 2007-01-01

    Never before has it been so critical for lab workers to possess the proper tools and methodologies necessary to determine the structure, function, and expression of the corresponding proteins encoded in the genome. Mulhardt's Molecular Biology and Genomics helps aid in this daunting task by providin[...]

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    från 371.00 kr
  14. Insect Pheromone Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: The Biosynthesis and Detection of Pheromones and Plant Volatiles (Inbunden)


    Gary J. Blomquist, Richard Vogt, Brody

    ISBN: 9780121071516 - UTGIVEN: 2003-11-20

    A valuable new reference on insect behavior, this exceptional new text delves into the primary sensory communication system used by most insects -- their sense of smell. This important text covers how insects produce pheromones and how they detect pheromones and plant volatiles. Since insects rely o[...]

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    från 1005.00 kr
  15. Biology in Physics: Is Life Matter? (Inbunden)


    Konstantin Yu Bogdanov, Toyoichi Tanaka

    ISBN: 9780121098407 - UTGIVEN: 1999-10-01

    Bridging the gap between biology and physics, this work allows a nonbiologically oriented physicist to appreciate the important role that physics plays in life sciences. It gives an introduction to biophysics. It also presents an overview of mechanisms that regulate a variety of processes in organis[...]

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    från 739.00 kr
  16. Current Topics In Developmental Biology (Inbunden)


    Gerald P. Schatten

    ISBN: 9780121531560 - UTGIVEN: 2003-11-07

    Presents articles on developmental biology and developmental medicine. This volume is intended for researchers, as well as students and other professionals.[...]

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    från 1539.00 kr
  17. Molecular Biology Of The Male Reproductive System (Inbunden)

    ISBN: 9780122090301 - UTGIVEN: 1993-11-17

    Reviews the knowledge concerning the mechanisms regulating male reproduction at the molecular and cellular levels. This book covers the development of the testes and regulatory controls for spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis, and it also considers aspects of Sertoli cell function.[...]

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    från 558.00 kr
  18. Biology of the Lobster Homarus Americanus

    ISBN: 9780122475702 - UTGIVEN: 1995-10

    The widely distributed American Lobster, Homarus americanus, which inhabits coastal waters from Canada to the Carolinas, is an important keystone species. A valuable source of income, its abundance or rarity often reflects the health of ecosystems occupied by these crustaceans. This comprehensive re[...]

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    från 3054.00 kr
  19. Dynamical Models In Biology (Inbunden)


    Miklos Farkas

    ISBN: 9780122491030 - UTGIVEN: 2001-06-15

    An introduction to the field of modern mathematical biology, this work also includes appendices which provide background material that goes beyond advanced calculus and linear algebra.[...]

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    från 900.00 kr
  20. Physics in biology and medicine (Pocket)


    Paul Davidovits

    ISBN: 9780123694119 - UTGIVEN: 2007-09-28

    Covers topics in physics as they apply to the life sciences, specifically medicine, physiology, nursing and other applied health fields. This introductory book surveys and relates basic physics to living systems. It discusses biological systems that can be analyzed quantitatively.[...]

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    från 477.00 kr
  21. Principles of Regenerative Biology (Inbunden)


    Marilyn Carlson Nelson, M. Carlson Bruce

    ISBN: 9780123694393 - UTGIVEN: 2007-05-08

    Outlines the fundamental principles of regeneration biology. This book focuses principally on regeneration in vertebrate systems, and invertebrate regeneration. It explains the history and origins of cells in regenerating systems. It includes information on stem cells and its important role in regen[...]

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    från 462.00 kr
  22. Medical Cell Biology (Inbunden)


    Steven R., Ph.D. Goodman

    ISBN: 9780123704580 - UTGIVEN: 200711

    This Third Edition of "Medical Cell Biology" focuses on the scientific aspects of cell biology important to medical students, dental students, veterinary students, and prehealth undergraduates. Maintaining a primary focus on eukaryotic cell biology, the text explains general cell biology principles [...]

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    från 307.00 kr
  23. Structural Biology Using Electrons and X-Rays (Pocket)


    Michael F. Moody

    ISBN: 9780123705815 - UTGIVEN: 2011-01-19

    Provides an accessible introduction to the two major diffraction-based techniques of structural biology. This title gives an account of the methods adapted to crystals, helices, viral heads, and single particles.[...]

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    från 527.00 kr