Find Your Way in Scripture.
Scripture is another world. One we find our way into. And one that finds its way into us. Steeped in Scripture, Eugene Peterson's faith-filled reflections open the door.
The Message Devotional Bible invites you on a journey--call it practicing resurrection, call[...]
Find Your Way in Scripture.
Scripture is another world. One we find our way into. And one that finds its way into us. Steeped in Scripture, Eugene Peterson's faith-filled reflections open the door.
The Message Devotional Bible invites you on a journey--call it practicing resurrection, call[...]
Calvin called the Psalms 'an anatomy of all the parts of the soul'. Everything that anyone can feel or experience in relation to God can be found in all of the Psalms, which are both poetry and prayer. This is the best place in scripture to explore all the parts of your life, to express the full ran[...]
Mister Clifton, Heavy Tango, French Touch, New York Tango, Spleen, Tango pour Claude, Tea For Toots, Taraf
Besetzung: Akkordeon[...]
Dr. Eugene H. Peterson har skrevet en rekke bøker og har etter hvert fått en stor og trofast leserskare i Nord-Amerika. Han er best kjent for sin bibeloversettelse, The Message, og hans forfatterskap anses av mange som et av de mest innflytelsesrike innen kristen spiritualitet. Dr. Peterson har og[...]