In this exciting sequel, Charlene, the friend who first brought word that an ancient manuscript had been found in Peru, has suddenly disappeared while exploring an old-growth forest deep in the Appalachian Mountains. Here, in this rich setting of cathedral forests, wooded streams, and majestic water[...]
When James Redfield first wrote his #1 New York Times bestseller The Celestine Prophecy, millions of readers passed it from hand to hand across America, discovering within its pages a life-affirming truth about synchronicity, intuition, and personal destiny. Now, in Redfield's newest book, the inspi[...]
When her relationship with FBI agent Dutch Rivers skids to a halt, Abby Cooper is fully aware that a wedding isn't the best post-breakup scenario. But when a friend from the Mile High City finds herself short one bridesmaid, it doesn't take a professional psychic to see the opportunity for a much-ne[...]
What is the secret to happiness and success? You don't need to fix yourself. But you definitely need to know yourself.
Research shows that self-awareness - knowing who we are and how others see us - is the foundation for high performance, smart choices, and lasting relationships. Without [...]
The astonishing "New York Times" bestseller that chronicles how a brain scientistas own stroke led to enlightenment On December 10, 1996, Jill Bolte Taylor, a thirty-seven- year-old Harvard-trained brain scientist experienced a massive stroke in the left hemisphere of her brain. As she observed her [...]
* Equips the individual investor for financial success through dividends * The topic is split broadly into three elements: income, information, and independence.[...]
Think about strategy and sharpen judgment in an unpredictable environment
Carl von Clausewitz is widely acknowledged as one of the most important of the major strategic theorists; he's been read by Eisenhower, Kissinger, Patton, Chairman Mao, and numerous other leaders. In Clausewitz on Strategy,[...]
This revolutionary new look at vision will broaden your understanding of how you see and how you "can" see without your glasses or contact lenses.
"Take Off Your Glasses and See" shows you how to free yourself from the crutch of prescription lenses, to build your self-confidence and awareness, [...]
Discourse ethics represents an exciting new development in neo-Kantian moral theory. William Rehg offers an insightful introduction to its complex theorization by its major proponent, Jurgen Habermas, and demonstrates how discourse ethics allows one to overcome the principal criticisms that have bee[...]
New Insight into IELTS offers comprehensive preparation and practice for IELTS. By exploring the test paper by paper, and looking in detail at each task type, the course gradually builds up the skills, language and test techniques students need to approach IELTS with confidence. The course contains [...]
New Insight into IELTS offers comprehensive preparation and practice for IELTS.
New Insight into IELTS offers comprehensive preparation and practice for IELTS.
New Insight into IELTS offers comprehensive preparation and practice for IELTS. By exploring the test paper by paper, and looking in detail at each task type, the course gradually builds up the skills, language and test techniques students need to approach IELTS with confidence. The course contains [...]
New Insight into IELTS offers comprehensive preparation and practice for IELTS. By exploring the test paper by paper, and looking in detail at each task type, the course gradually builds up the skills, language and test techniques students need to approach IELTS with confidence. The course contains [...]
Instruction covering four exam modules: listening, reading, writing and speaking. Includes one practice test and answer key. Script of accompanying audio recording.[...]
Questions concerning the nature of insight in patients with mental illness have interested clinicians for a long time. To what extent can patients understand disorders which affect their mental function? Does insight carry a prognostic value? Is impaired insight determined by the illness or are othe[...]
Learn how to develop self-awareness and use it to become more fulfilled, confident, and successful. Most people feel like they know themselves pretty well. But what if you could know yourself just a little bit better--and with this small improvement, get a big payoff...not just in your career, but i[...]