J. M. Coetzee is perhaps the most critically acclaimed bestselling author of imaginative fiction writing in English today. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2003 and is the first writer to have been awarded two Booker Prizes. The present volume makes critical views of this important writ[...]
Arguably the most decorated and critically acclaimed writer of today, J. M. Coetzee is a deeply intellectual writer. Yet while just about everyone who comes to Coetzee's writing is aware that the visible superstructure of his works is moved from below by a vast substructure of ideas, we are still fa[...]
Mascara delves into the dark terrain of identity and disguise when the lives of three people collide. A nameless man with a face no one remembers has the devastating ability to see and capture on film the brutal truths lurking inside each person he encounters. Oriana, a beautiful woman with the memo[...]
Following on from "Stranger Shores", which contained J M Coetzee's essays from 1986 to 1999, this work gathers together his literary essays from 2000 to 2005. It discusses writers such as - Italo Svevo, Joseph Roth, Bruno Schulz, Sandor Marai - who lived through the Austro-Hungarian fin de siecle an[...]
A 72-year-old Australian writer encounters an alluring woman in his apartment block. When he discovers she is 'between jobs' he claims failing eyesight and offers her work typing up his manuscript. Anya has no interest in politics but the job provides a distraction, as does the writer's evident and [...]
David Lurie, middle-aged and twice divorced, is a scholar fallen into disgrace. After years teaching Romantic poetry at the Technical University of Cape Town, he has an impulsive affair with a student. Willing to admit his guilt, but refusing to yield to pressure to repent publicly, he resigns and r[...]
Set in a small town in the South Africa of the 1940s, this title lets us meet a young boy who, at home, is ill at ease with his father and stifled by his mother's unconditional love. At school he passes every test that is set for him, but he remains wary of his fellow pupils, especially the rough Af[...]
After crossing oceans, a man and a boy arrive in a new land. Here they are each assigned a name and an age, and held in a camp in the desert while they learn Spanish, the language of their new country. As Simon and David they make their way to the relocation centre in the city of Novilla, where offi[...]
After crossing oceans, a man and a boy arrive in a new land. Here they are each assigned a name and an age, and held in a camp in the desert while they learn Spanish, the language of their new country. As Simon and David they make their way to the relocation centre in the city of Novilla, where offi[...]
This is a fascinating dialogue on the human inclination to make up stories between a Nobel Prize-winning writer and a psychotherapist. Arabella Kurtz and J M Coetzee consider psychotherapy and its wider social context from different perspectives, but at the heart of both their approaches is a concer[...]
This book is about the metanarrative and metafictional elements of J. M. Coetzee's novels. It draws together authorship, readership, ethics, and formal analysis into one overarching argument about how narratives work the boundary between art and life. On the basis of Coetzee's writing, it reconsider[...]
Ever since its publication in 1999, J.M. Coetzee's award-winning novel Disgrace has stirred up a lot of controversy. Its negative depiction of blacks has been seen as an endorsement of white racist stereotypes. In this essay, I first analyze the degree of realism in Disgrace. Second, I assess how Di[...]
David Lurie må forlate sin professorstilling, og drar ut på landet. Her opplever han Sør-Afrikas tilstand etter apartheid med nye relasjoner mellom hvite og svarte, og nedyssede, men ikke utraderte konflikter.Vi møter David Lurie, som foreleser på universitetet, er omkring 50 år, med to skilsm[...]
Michael K vandrer gjennom et land i kaos. Det er borgerkrig, men Michael vil ikke ta stilling, ikke bidra med noe til noen kant. Det er hans stille form for opprør.Landet er Sør-Afrika. Et apartheid-styrt land som moralsk og politisk er presset mot kanten av stupet. Hans sørgmodige skikkelse vekk[...]
En dag han er ute og sykler fÃ¥r Paul Rayment sin velkontrollerte tilværelse smadret - sÃ¥ Ã¥ si bokstavelig talt - av en ung bilist. Paul er fotograf av yrke, skilt, barnløs og har fÃ¥ venner. Han har selv valgt sin ensomhet - han er "en utlending av natur", som han sier. NÃ¥ blir han nødt til Ã[...]
Den berømte forfatteren John Coetzee er død, og en ung forfatter arbeider med en biografi om Coetzee. Han intervjuer personer som har stått Coetzee nær på 70-tallet, da han bodde i Sør-Afrika, men ikke hadde slått igjennom som forfatter. Ut fra disse samtalene dannes et bilde av en mann som i[...]
"Her og nå" er en dialog mellom to gode forfattere, som ble gode venner. I løpet av tre år er de i brevene sine innom de fleste temaer, fra sport til farsrollen, filmfestivaler til incest, filosofi til politikk, fra finanskrisen til kunst, døden, familien, ekteskapet, vennskap og kjærlighet.
I betragtning af hans alder, tooghalvtreds og fraskilt, synes han selv, at han har løst problemet med sex ganske godt. Hver torsdag eftermiddag kører han ud til Green Point. Præcis klokken to trykker han på summerknappen ved indgangen til Windsor Mansions, nævner sit navn og træder[...]
En mand og en dreng ankommer til et nyt land efter at have krydset havet. Her bliver de hver tildelt et navn og en alder og interneret i en lejr, mens de lærer spansk, deres nye lands sprog.
Som Simon og David finder de vej til relokaliseringscentret i byen Novilla, hvor bureaukratiet behan[...]