John David - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: John David
Visar Resultat (76-100)
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  1. Confrontation at Gettysburg: A Nation Saved, a Cause Lost (Häftad)


    John David Hoptak, Doug Bostick

    ISBN: 9781609494261 - UTGIVEN: 2012-11

    Gettysburg is America's most famous battle. Fought on the first three days of July 1863, it was one of the largest and by far the bloodiest of the Civil War. Yet the importance of this great conflagration cannot be measured in numbers alone, for Gettysburg also represented a pivotal moment in the wa[...]

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    från 132.00 kr
  2. Lehrter Station: A John Russell Thriller (Häftad)


    David Downing

    ISBN: 9781616952204 - UTGIVEN: 201303

    WWII has ended... But the danger has just begun for a spy caught between political superpowers.
    Book 5 in the John Russell historical thriller series.
    Paris, November 1945. John Russell is walking home along the banks of the Seine on a cold and misty evening when Soviet agent Yevgeny Shchepk[...]

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    från 219.00 kr
  3. Masaryk Station (John Russell World War II Spy Thriller #6) (Häftad)


    David Downing

    ISBN: 9781616953737 - UTGIVEN: 2014-04

    Berlin, 1948. Still occupied by the four Allied powers and largely in ruins, the city has become the cockpit of a new Cold War. The legacies of the war have become entangled in the new Soviet-American conflict, creating a world of bizarre and fleeting loyalties--a paradise for spies. As spring unfol[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 154.00 kr
  4. Dave vs. the Monsters: Ascendance (David Hooper) (Häftad)


    John Birmingham

    ISBN: 9781781166253 - UTGIVEN: 2015-06

    New York is on fire, the streets are overrun, and the Demon Horde is feasting. With the city in chaos, all eyes are on Dave Hooper, the monster slayer destined to save mankind. But hero or not, Dave is just one man and he's short of allies. He soon finds himself relying on Karen Warat: art dealer a[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 63.00 kr
  5. There's Only Two David Beckhams (Pocket)


    John O'farrell

    ISBN: 9781784161392 - UTGIVEN: 2015-11-05

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    från 131.00 kr
  6. Practical Stone Masonry (Inbunden)


    Peter Hill, John David

    ISBN: 9781873394144 - UTGIVEN: 1995-08-01

    Focuses on the craft of the stonemason. This book covers the basic methods of working stone, the making of specialized tools, and, includes a full analysis of the procedures for setting-out for repairs. It also looks at the causes of decay in stone and outline methods for repair of both stone and mo[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 478.00 kr
  7. The John Buscema Sketchbook (Pocket)


    J. David Spurlock, Jonh Buscema, Steranko (INT)

    ISBN: 9781887591195 - UTGIVEN: 2001-09

    Author of the instructional volume "How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way", John Buscema is a highly-regarded comic-book illustrator. He has influenced several generations of artists and remains, even in semi-retirement, in demand. He was born on 11 December 1927 in Brooklyn, New York, where his earlies[...]

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    från 137.00 kr
  8. John Flaxman (Häftad)


    David Bindman

    ISBN: 9781904864813 - UTGIVEN: 2013-01

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    från 239.00 kr
  9. A Commentary on the Gospel of John (Häftad)


    David Pawson

    ISBN: 9781909886278 - UTGIVEN: 2014-05

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    från 209.00 kr
  10. Is John 3:16 the Gospel? (Häftad)


    David Pawson

    ISBN: 9781909886629 - UTGIVEN: 2014-10

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    från 98.00 kr
  11. A Commentary on the Letters of John (Häftad)


    David Pawson

    ISBN: 9781909886698 - UTGIVEN: 2015-02

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    från 126.00 kr
  12. Saul og david (Häftad)


    John Høybye

    ISBN: 9788759805626 - UTGIVEN: 1991-01


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    från 0.00 kr
  13. Jämför priser
    från 71.00 kr
  14. David Lega - när armarna inte räcker till (e-bok)


    John Flanagan

    ISBN: 9789137138961 - UTGIVEN: 201304

    Han är en av våra största idrottsmän, simmaren David Lega. Rullstolsburen, nästan helt förlamad och med krokiga, obrukbara armar och ben, vägrar han att känna sig handikappad. I boken berättar han nära och levande om sitt märkvärdiga liv och strävan efter att bli sedd och accepterad fö[...]

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    från 55.00 kr
  15. 365 Godnattsagor (Inbunden)


    Brandon Webb, John David Mann

    ISBN: 9789174017373 - UTGIVEN: 2013-08

    I denna härliga bok hittar du en saga för varje dag på året!

    Följ med barnen Emma och Hugo från den 1 januari till den 31 december och upptäck vilka äventyr de och deras vänner upplever.

    Alla berättelser i boken är vackert illustrerade för att stimulera barnens [...]

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    från 99.00 kr
  16. Admiral Sir John Norris : and the British Naval Expeditions to the Baltic sea 1715-1727 (Inbunden)


    David Denis Aldridge

    ISBN: 9789185509317 - UTGIVEN: 2009-11-19

    Admiral Sir John Norris is probably an unknown character for many who are otherwise well familiar with British naval activities in the eighteenth century. This work presents a seaman and a dutiful officer, and the lively conditions and politics of this dramatic period - a tale of the dilemmas of Nor[...]

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    från 193.00 kr
  17. 60 years later - coming through the rye (Pocket)


    John David California, Fredrik Colting

    ISBN: 9789185869541 - UTGIVEN: 2009-05-07

    Holden Caulfield, a 76-year-old man wakes up in a nursing home in upstate New York. This seemingly normal day brings with it an unnerving compulsion to flee his present situation and embark on a curious journey through the streets of New York City.[...]

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    från 107.00 kr
  18. Det finns bara två David Beckham (Inbunden)


    John O'farrell

    ISBN: 9789188261182 - UTGIVEN: 2016-04-25

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    från 192.00 kr
  19. Will Grayson, Will Grayson (CD-bok)


    John Green and David Levithan, John Green, David Levithan

    ISBN: 9781455870165 - UTGIVEN: 2012-01

    It's not that far from Evanston to Naperville, but Chicago suburbanites Will Grayson and Will Grayson might as well live on different planets. When fate delivers them both to the same surprising crossroads, the Will Graysons find their lives overlapping and hurtling in new and unexpected directions.[...]

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    från 140.00 kr
  20. Will Grayson, Will Grayson (Övrigt)


    John Green and David Levithan, John Green, David Levithan

    ISBN: 9781455870189 - UTGIVEN: 2012-01

    It's not that far from Evanston to Naperville, but Chicago suburbanites Will Grayson and Will Grayson might as well live on different planets. When fate delivers them both to the same surprising crossroads, the Will Graysons find their lives overlapping and hurtling in new and unexpected directions.[...]

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    från 0.00 kr
  21. Good Stuff Fiction: Library 1 (Övrigt)


    Ann Ruffell, Penny Bates, David Orme, John Banks, David Johnson, John Townsend

    ISBN: 9789121222461 - UTGIVEN: 200509

    Fjorton spännande berättelser att sätta i händerna på dina lässugna elever! Lagom långa böcker som också passar den ovana läsaren.

    Läs mer
    Good Stuff Fiction handlar om ungdomar i olika kniviga situationer. Böckerna är på en språklig nivå från år 6/7 till år 9/Engelsk[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 570.00 kr
  22. Worlds Of Music (Pocket)


    Timothy J. Cooley, David Locke, David P. Mcallester, Anne K. Rasmussen, David Reck, John Schechter, , R.Anderson Sutton

    ISBN: 9780534595395 - UTGIVEN: 2008-02-01

    The bestselling WORLDS OF MUSIC, now in its fifth edition, provides authoritative, accessible coverage of the world's music cultures. Based on the authors' fieldwork and expertise, this text presents in-depth explorations of several music cultures from around the world, with new chapters on China, E[...]

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    från 805.00 kr
  23. Current Diagnosis & Treatment In Rheumatology (Pocket)


    John B. Imboden, David B. Hellmann, John H. Stone

    ISBN: 9780071638050 - UTGIVEN: 2000-12-01

    CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Rheumatology, 3e offers concise, clinically oriented coverage of the entire range of rheumatology disorders[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 791.00 kr