Piet Heins gruk er nogle af de mest citerede vers og ord nogensinde i Danmark.
Her er den lille lejlighedsgave til enhver situation og årstid: 44 gruk med tilhørende vignetter i en lille eksklusiv bog, der lige er til at give værtinden sammen med buketten eller værten sammen med ciga[...]
Med Piet Heins gruk får man dagens lille smil, den tankevækkende påmindelse, det store gys eller den stille glæde, men altid den præcise formulering af det, man også selv går og tænker på.
Her er 365 gruk med Piet Heins egne illustrationer - i en evighedskalende[...]
Et udvalg af Piet Heins digte fra hans fire digtsamlinger og Kumbels gruk.
Piet Hein blev kaldt »født klassiker« ved sin lyriske debut i 1940.[...]
Udvalgte digte og gruk fra de første 25 år af Piet Heins og hans andet jeg, Kumbels livskloge og muntre forfatterskaber[...]
Piet Heins verdensberømte digtekunst har inspireret en lang række danske komponister til at sætte hans vers i musik: bl.a. Svend Asmussen, Per Nørgård, Ole Heyde, Amdi Riis, Mogens Jermiin Nissen, som alle er repræsenteret på denne nye cd.
Hele 49 sange er med på cd'en, heriblandt Som[...]
His first book was an international bestseller, and in this publication, Boon shows us his new projects, including an astonishing apartment in the heart of New York. Boon's modern classic and austere style retains a classical touch as a consequence of its obvious affinity with pure, traditional buil[...]
The designs of the successful Piet Boon are well-known worldwide. Throughout the world over 80,000 copies of his books Piet Boon and Piet Boon 2 have been sold. Piet Boon III, containing more pages than the first two books, shows recent design projects of Piet Boon, both in the Netherlands and abroa[...]
This lavishly illustrated book is a source of inspiration for all adepts of the recognisable Piet Boon(R) style. In this, her first book, Karin gives her definition of styling and shares her tips and tricks, gathered over the past 25 years as creative director of the company. With her unique talent [...]
Piet Boon is one of the most celebrated designers in the Netherlands and internationally. He is especially famous for his furniture designs and for his interior design and landscape architecture. Timeless design, functionality, comfort and sustainability using natural materials. Piet Boon's style is[...]
In this sumptuous publication, Boon shows us his new international projects - including astonishing apartments in the heart of New York. Piet Boon and his studio have the ability to perfectly balance functionality, aesthetics and individuality. Studio Piet Boon is an internationally acclaimed desi[...]
Apart from John Dewey, no American educational reformer has been as internationally successful and influential as Helen Parkhurst, the founder of Dalton education. In the 1920s and 1930s, Dalton education was spread throughout the world. At the moment the Netherlands is the country with the highest [...]
In the last two decades there has been an ongoing debate about the role of art and design practices in the field of academic research. In this discussion the process of making and the artefact created during art and design practice are conceived to have a central position in the research process. Th[...]