- 200 easy to challenging "New York Times" crosswords
- Portable and perfect for solving on the go
- Edited by the #1 man in American crosswords, Will Shortz[...]
Are you a puzzle genius? You are if you enjoy cracking Will Shortz's Sudoku.This book features:
* 200 Challenging puzzles
* Perfect portable trim size for solving anywhere
* Edited by puzzlemaster, Will Shortz[...]
It's time to jump start your mind with this shot of Sudoku Features:
-200 hard puzzles
-Big grids for easy solving
-Introduction by legendary puzzlemaster, Will Shortz[...]
In for a lazy Sunday? Need something to settle your mind before an afternoon nap? Cuddle up with Will Shortz Presents Sleep Sudoku This volume features:
- 200 challenging puzzles
- An introduction by puzzlemaster Will Shortz
- An adorable sleepy animal cover"[...]
Long road stretched out ahead of you? Don't forget to bring along some sudoku This portable omnibus is perfect for taking on a trip. Features:
- 200 easy to hard puzzles
- Introduction by Will Shortz
- Lightweight, portable paperback binding[...]