Sacred Violence examines the place that ideology or political religion plays in legitimizing violence to achieve a condition of worldly perfection. In particular, the book focuses upon Islamism as a post modern political religion that considers violence both necessary and purificatory. It also exami[...]
Visit the "Life," 9e preview site at
The science of biology evolves. The science classroom and lab evolve. In this edition, as always, "Life: The Science of Biology" evolves with them, in innovative, authoritative, a[...]
THE NEXT GREAT CHAPTER IN THE STORY OF LIFE The science of biology evolves. The science classroom and lab evolve. In this edition, as
always, "Life: The Science of Biology" evolves with them, in innovative, authoritative, and
captivating ways.
From the first edition [...]
THE NEXT GREAT CHAPTER IN THE STORY OF LIFE The science of biology evolves. The science classroom and lab evolve. In this edition, as
always, "Life: The Science of Biology" evolves with them, in innovative, authoritative, and
captivating ways.
From the first edition [...]
THE NEXT GREAT CHAPTER IN THE STORY OF LIFE The science of biology evolves. The science classroom and lab evolve. In this edition, as
always, "Life: The Science of Biology" evolves with them, in innovative, authoritative, and
captivating ways.
From the first edition [...]
Innovative, authoritative, and captivating - Life is the most balanced experimentally-based biology text available. It offers an engaging and coherent presentation of the fundamentals of biology by describing the landmark experiments that revealed them. The ninth edition remains at the cutting edge [...]
The new tenth edition of Life maintains the balanced experimental coverage of previous editions and has been updated with the latest scientific research, a new contemporary design and cutting-edge teaching and learning support including images, videos, and animations that engage, encourage and suppo[...]
This volume of the main Life text is perfect for shorter courses which focus on the cell and heredity. Life offers balanced experimental coverage; the tenth edition has been updated with the latest scientific research, a new contemporary design and cutting-edge teaching and learning support to engag[...]
This volume of Life is perfect for courses focused on the biology of evolution, diversity and ecology. Life offers balanced experimental coverage; the tenth edition has been updated with the latest scientific research, a new contemporary design and cutting-edge teaching and learning support to engag[...]
This volume of Life is perfect for shorter courses which focus on the biology of plants and animals. Life offers balanced experimental coverage; the tenth edition has been updated with the latest scientific research, a new contemporary design and cutting-edge teaching and learning support to engage [...]
Frustrated efforts in both Iraq and Afghanistan give urgency to the question of how to craft effective, humane, and legitimate security institutions in conflict-ridden states - and whether legitimate policing can in fact be developed in the midst of insurgency and terrorism. David H. Bayley and Robe[...]
Designed to address specific areas of difficulty for children, teens and young adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the 46 exercises in this comprehensive program are proven to improve body image, motor coordination, posture, muscular and cardiovascular fitness. The boost to confidence, relat[...]
Analyzes the problems of slavery, expansion, sectionalism, and party politics that influenced mid-nineteenth-century America[...]
Designed for the junior/senior mathematics major who intends to teach mathematics in high school or college, this book concentrates on the history of the topics covered in an undergraduate curriculum or in elementary schools or high schools. The prerequisite for this course is at least one year of c[...]
Negotiation is a critical skill needed for effective management. Negotiation 6/e explores the major concepts and theories of the psychology of bargaining and negotiation, and the dynamics of interpersonal and intergroup conflict and its resolution. It is relevant to a broad spectrum of management st[...]
"Essentials of Negotiation, 5e" is a condensed version of the main text, "Negotiation, Sixth Edition". It explores the major concepts and theories of the psychology of bargaining and negotiation, and the dynamics of interpersonal and inter-group conflict and its resolution. Twelve of the 20 chapters[...]
Negotiation is a critical skill needed for effective management. "Negotiation: Readings, Exercises, and Cases 6/e" takes an experiential approach and explores the major concepts and theories of the psychology of bargaining and negotiation and the dynamics of interpersonal and inter-group conflict an[...]
By examining traditional logistics issues within the context of the supply chain, this text captures the current trends in Supply Chain Management and Supply Chain Strategy. "Supply Chain Logistics Management" provides a solid foundation that clearly describes the role of logistics within the supply[...]
"Elementary Number Theory, Seventh Edition", is written for the one-semester undergraduate number theory course taken by math majors, secondary education majors, and computer science students. This contemporary text provides a simple account of classical number theory, set against a historical backg[...]