Students and researchers all write under pressure, and those pressures - most lamentably, the desire to impress your audience rather than to communicate with them - often lead to pretentious prose, academic posturing, and, not infrequently, writer's block. Sociologist Howard S. Becker has written th[...]
In "The Body of the Artisan", Pamela H. Smith demonstrates how much early modern science owed to an unlikely source: artists and artisans. Goldsmiths, locksmiths, carpenters, and painters were all sought after by early scientists for their intimate, hands-on knowledge of natural materials, as well a[...]
A TOEFL preparation book that brings a communicative four-skills approach to understanding test items to meet the demands of the iBT TOEFL. It gives the key stakeholders what they want: students - strategies to score high, and teachers - communicative activities. It is supported by web based TOEFL p[...]
Author of "Kubla Khan" and the epic "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," Samuel Taylor Coleridge is remembered principally for his contributions as a romantic poet. This innovative reconsideration of Coleridge's thought and career not only demonstrates his importance as a philosopher but also recovers[...]
Although our physical abilities clearly decline as we age, cognitive decline in healthy old age is neither universal nor inevitable. In Nurturing the Older Brain, Pamela Greenwood and Raja Parasuraman show that scientific research does not support the popular notion of the inexorable and progressiv[...]
It may be time to forget the art world--or at least to recognize that a certain historical notion of the art world is in eclipse. Today, the art world spins on its axis so quickly that its maps can no longer be read; its borders blur. In Forgetting the Art World, Pamela Lee connects the current stat[...]
Nearly every empire worthy of the name--from ancient Rome to the United States--has sought an Egyptian obelisk to place in the center of a ceremonial space. Obelisks--giant standing stones, invented in Ancient Egypt as sacred objects--serve no practical purpose. For much of their history their inscr[...]
Most of us are familiar with the term climate change but few of us understand the science behind it. We don't fully comprehend how climate change will affect us, and for that reason we might not consider it as pressing a concern as, say, housing prices or unemployment. This book explains the scienti[...]
In the 1960s art fell out of time; both artists and critics lost their temporal bearings in response to what E. M. Cioran called "not being entitled to time." This anxiety and uneasiness about time, which Pamela Lee calls "chronophobia," cut across movements, media, and genres, and was figured in wo[...]
Pamela Mountbatten was born at the end of the Twenties into one of Britain's grandest families. The daughter of Lord Louis Mountbatten and his glamorous wife Edwina Ashley, she was bought up by nannies and governesses as she was often parted from her parents as they dutifully carried out their publi[...]
This clear, accessible book combines detailed medical information with expert treatment advice for the estimated twenty million Americans who suffer from dry eye syndrome. Dr. Steven L. Maskin, an ophthalmologist who has been caring for dry eye patients for more than fifteen years, explains exactly [...]
Australian Aboriginal art is the longest continuous art tradition in the world, spanning over 50,000 years. "Ancestral Modern" puts a modern face on the tradition, celebrating the past 40 years of contemporary indigenous art, which has experienced a renaissance since 1970. Featuring more than 100 pa[...]
While masks are a major art form in many parts of Africa, their use has taken new turns in the 21st century. Disguise: Masks and Global African Art explores how themes related to masking and disguise in the past are now transitioning into new platforms around the world. The authors examine the influ[...]
'Youth culture is changing so fast, I can't keep up with it anymore. I used to know all the songs, but now...' 'Life for today's teen is nothing like it was when I was in high school---and I'm only 20.' 'Young people live in a totally different world from the one I know.' These statements came from [...]
In this intimate, loving look at Corrie ten Boom during her last years you will hear the true story of her struggle to communicate her love for her God during five years of stroke-induced silence.[...]
A dual memoir tells the alternating stories of a pair of identical twin sisters, a schizophrenic and a psychiatrist, in an account that traces their childhoods, the deterioration of the favored sister into mental illness, and the other's emergence from her troubled sibling's shadow into a successful[...]
A quartet of erotic romance stories brings together such tales as "Drive Her Wild" by Julie Elizabeth Leto, Carrie Alexander's "Naughty Girl," Pamela Britton's "Wanted: One Hot Blooded Man," and "Mercy Me" by Susan Donovan, in which a brokenhearted screenwriter suffering from writer's block discove[...]
How can you tell if a name is too popular or not mainstream enough, wonderfully creative or just plain weird? How can you find the name that is perfect for you and your baby? America's baby-naming experts, Pam Satran and Linda Rosenkrantz, are here to help. They've packed all of their unique wit and[...]
People - friends, family members, work colleagues, salespeople - lie to us all the time. Daily, hourly, constantly. None of us are immune, and all of us are victims. According to studies by several different researchers, most of us encounter nearly two hundred lies a day. Now there's something we ca[...]
People - friends, family members, colleagues, salespeople - lie to us all the time. Daily, hourly, constantly. None of us is immune and all of us are victims. According to studies by several different researchers, most of us encounter nearly 200 lies a day. Now we can do something about it. "Liespot[...]
Offers the researcher an annotated catalogue of the available solo piano music in print composed by women born before the 20th century. Designed as a practical reference guide for professional pianists and piano teachers, A Guide to Piano Music by Women Composers, Volume I, is an annotated catalogue[...]
"Daily Life of the Inuit" is the first serious study of contemporary Inuit culture and communities from the post-World War II period to the present. Beginning with an introductory essay surveying Inuit prehistory, geography, and contemporary regional diversity, this exhaustive treatment explores the[...]