Richard Paul - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Richard Paul
Visar Resultat (101-124)
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  1. Intro Stats (Övrigt)


    Richard D. De Veaux, Paul F. Velleman, David E. Bock

    ISBN: 9781292022505 - UTGIVEN: 2013-07

    Were you looking for the book with access to MyStatLab? This product is the book alone and does NOT come with access to MyStatLab. Buy the book and access card package to save money on this resource. Richard De Veaux, Paul Velleman, and David Bock wrote Intro Stats with the goal that students and in[...]

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    från 940.00 kr
  2. Ultimate Triathlon (Häftad)


    Paul Moore, Richard Hoad

    ISBN: 9781408133163 - UTGIVEN: 2011-06

    This is a guide to training for and competing in long-distance/Ironman triathlons, one of the world's toughest sporting events. Comprising of a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile cycle and a marathon, Ironman-distance triathlon is a daunting undertaking for every competitor; for the first-timer, it can be o[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 228.00 kr
  3. The World's Toughest Endurance Challenges (Inbunden)


    Richard Hoad, Paul Moore

    ISBN: 9781408158852 - UTGIVEN: 201211

    Across the world seemingly ordinary people are undertaking extraordinary challenges that will push their limits to achieve the improbable - by sea, bike, foot or sled. From the Badwater Ultramarathon in the unforgiving heat of Death Valley in California to the freezing wilderness of Alaska, these on[...]

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    från 270.00 kr
  4. Management and Business Research (Pocket)


    Mark Easterby-Smith, Richard Thorpe, Paul R. Jackson

    ISBN: 9781446296585 - UTGIVEN: 2015-04

    Now in its Fifth Edition, this much-loved text offers theoretical and philosophical depth as well as insights into practice. The text covers the entire research process in an accessible way and provides critical, thoughtful treatment of important issues like ethics and politics, making it an invalua[...]

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    från 467.00 kr
  5. Btec First In Information & Creative Technology Student Book (Pocket)


    Paul Winser, Alan Jarvis, Allen Kaye, Richard McGill, Daniel Richardson, Neela Soomary, , Eddie Allman

    ISBN: 9781446901878 - UTGIVEN: 2013-02-20

    'BTEC First Information and Creative Technology' is changing in 2012, and students need more flexible and innovative resources than ever before. This book covers all three mandatory units and a wide selection of optional units from the Award, Certificate and Diploma. Each unit of the Student Book i[...]

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    från 393.00 kr
  6. Kodachrome Memory (Inbunden)


    Richard Buckley, Nathan Benn, Paul M. Farber

    ISBN: 9781576876657 - UTGIVEN: 2013-09

    As America huffed and puffed to the end of the 1970s, more than an era was ending. One America was vanishing and simultaneously giving birth to who we are today. "Kodachrome Memory: American Pictures 1972-1990" presents a last glimpse of an America that was, the last stand of the old order, the fina[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 385.00 kr
  7. Jämför priser
    från 175.00 kr
  8. Positive Behavior Support In Secondary Schools (Pocket)


    Ellie L. Young, Paul Caldarella, Michael J. Richardson, K. Richard Young

    ISBN: 9781609189730 - UTGIVEN: 2011-12-22

    This much-needed guide shows how to implement positive behavior support (PBS) strategies in secondary settings, using a three-tiered approach. The authors adapt the core ideas of PBS to the developmental context of adolescence and the organizational structures of middle schools and junior and senior[...]

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    från 371.00 kr
  9. Trade and Treachery (Pocket)


    Nik Gaukroger, Richard Bodley Scott, Paul Robinson

    ISBN: 9781849082273 - UTGIVEN: 201012

    While the Renaissance was a time of innovation and inspiration in art, literature and science, so too was it a period of military progress. From the rise of gunpowder as a battlefield-dominating weapon to the tactical genius of Machiavelli, the Italian Wars were the first step on this journey. With [...]

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    från 171.00 kr
  10. Jämför priser
    från 516.00 kr
  11. The Planning Guide to Piping Design (Inbunden)


    Richard J. Beale, Paul Bowers, Peter Smith

    ISBN: 9781933762371 - UTGIVEN: 2010-10-01

    This title covers the entire process of planning a plant model project from conceptual to mechanical completion, and explains where the piping engineer falls in the process along with his roles and responsibilities. Critical topics covered in this handbook include FEED study and key plans, the impor[...]

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    från 1060.00 kr
  12. The World's Toughest Endurance Challenges (Inbunden)


    Richard Hoad, Paul Moore

    ISBN: 9781934030912 - UTGIVEN: 201211

    "The World's Toughest Endurance Challenges "profiles 50 of the most extreme marathons, triathlons, bike rides, adventure races, climbs, open-water swims and other iconic endurance events from around the world. Breathtaking full-color photographs and insider commentary from top athletes will thrill e[...]

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    från 299.00 kr
  13. Applied Bioinformatics (Häftad)


    Paul M. Selzer, Marhofer Richard, Andreas Rohwer

    ISBN: 9783540727996 - UTGIVEN: 200712

    At last, here is a baseline book for anyone who is confused by cryptic computer programs, algorithms and formulae, but wants to learn about applied bioinformatics. Now, anyone who can operate a PC, standard software and the internet can also learn to understand the biological basis of bioinformatics[...]

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    från 336.00 kr
  14. Hvis du tror du er gal, tro om igjen!; kognitiv terapi ved psykoser (Pocket)


    Anthony P. Morrison, Julia C. Renton, Paul French, Richard P. Bentall

    ISBN: 9788215015613 - UTGIVEN: 2011

    Denne boken gir deg en steg-for-steg hjelp til å forstå dine problemer, den hjelper deg til positive forandringer og bidrar til bedring. Gjennom spørsmål og oppgaveark får du hjelp til å identifisere og se mønsteret i erfaringene dine. Du lærer hvordan du kan forandre tanker, følelser og at[...]

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    från 303.00 kr
  15. Starcraft Frontline 1 (Häftad)


    Josh Elder, Richard A. Knaak, Paul Benjamin, Dave Shramek, Simon Furman

    ISBN: 9789172698871 - UTGIVEN: 200811

    Dataspel i serieform är en vinnande kombination!

    I strategispelet Starcraft och uppföljaren Starcraft II (släpps under 2008), kämpar tre raser, varav människorna är en, om herraväldet över galaxen.

    Mangaversionen av Starcraft innehåller flera avslutade äventyr och vä[...]

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    från 55.00 kr
  16. Den inre scenen: Psykoanalys och teater (Kartonnage)


    Camilla Damkjær, Anne Lundqvist, Roland Lysell, Lilian Munk Rösing, Richard Sörman, John-Paul Zaccarini

    ISBN: 9789186434397 - UTGIVEN: 2009-12

    Sedan Freud startade sina seminarier i början av 1900-talet har psykoanalytisk teori haft en dynamisk utveckling, och idag utgör den ett vittförgrenat och dynamiskt fält.

    Professor Sven Åke Heed, tidigare verksam vid Institutionen för musik- och teatervetenskap, är en företrädare fö[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 259.00 kr