En seriemördare härjar i London. Offren är unga pojkar, och eftersom flera av dem är av utländsk härkomst hävdar både religiösa och politiska ledare och pressen att förbiseendet inte är något annat än institutionaliserad rasism.
Det blir den tillförordnade kriminalinspe[...]
Bestsellerförfattaren Elizabeth George har skrivit en laddad ny roman som handlar om de händelser som ledde fram till det brutala och oförklarliga mordet på den tillförordnade polisinspektören Thomas Lynleys hustru.
Historien börjar i North Kensington hos tre så gott som föräldr[...]
Innan döden kom är en laddad roman som handlar om de händelser som ledde fram till ett chockerande mord.
Det brutala och oförklarliga mordet på den tillförordnade polisinspektören Thomas Lynleys hustru har chockerat New Scotland Yard och man letar förtvivlat efter svar på hur d[...]
Bestsellerförfattaren Elizabeth George har skrivit en laddad roman som handlar om de händelser som ledde fram till ett chockerande mord.
Det brutala och oförklarliga mordet pÃ¥ den tillförordnade polisinspektören Thomas Lynleys hustru har chockerat New Scotland Yard och man letar fÃ[...]
Internationell deckardrottning Elizabeth George visar med denna sinnrika mordhistoria varför hon är deckargenrens mest framgångsrika författare.
Kommissarie Thomas Lynley har i sorgen efter sin mördade hustru gett sig av på vandring längs Cornwalls klippiga kust. Han har givit sig [...]
Thomas Lynley är tillbaka!
En ung kvinnas kropp hittas knivhuggen på en av Londons ödsligaste kyrkogårdar. Mordet får kommissarie Thomas Lynley att ta sitt förnuft till fånga och återgå i tjänst efter sin långa och känslosamma bortavaro i samband med mordet på hustrun Helen.[...]
Nytt spännande uppdrag för Thomas Lynley
Thomas Lynley skickas pÃ¥ hemligt uppdrag till Lake District för att utreda Ian Creswells drunkningsolycka. Creswells morbror och arbetsgivare är den välkände och nyligen adlade industrimagnaten Bernard Fairclough, vars son Nicholas gjort sig kÃ[...]
Dottern till en av Barbara Havers bästa vänner kidnappas och spåren leder till Italien. I ett försök att hitta flickan gör Havers ett övertramp och straffas med administrativ tjänst.
I stället reser Sir Thomas Lynley till den italienska staden Lucca för att bistå den lokala polisen[...]
This is the first edited collection to bring ecocritical studies into a necessary dialogue with postcolonial studies. By examining African, Caribbean, Pacific Island and South Asian literatures and how they depict the relationship between humans and nature, this book makes a compelling argument for [...]
The brutal, inexplicable death of Inspector Thomas Lynley's wife has left Scotland Yard shocked and searching for answers. Even more horrifying is that the trigger was apparently pulled by a twelve-year-old boy. What were the circumstances that led to his final act of desperation? That story begins [...]
New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth George serves up a century's worth of superb crime fiction penned by women. This veritable all-star team delivers tales of dark deeds that will keep you reading long into the night. Included are these works: "A Jury of Her Peers" by Susan GlaspellThe Summe[...]
New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth George is back with a spellbinding tale of mystery and murder featuring Scotland Yard Detective Inspector Thomas Lynley.On compassionate leave after the murder of his wife, Thomas Lynley is called back to Scotland Yard when the body of a woman is found sta[...]
Resigning from Scotland Yard and engaging in exhaustive hikes along the Cornish coast in the aftermath of his wife's murder, former Detective Superintendent Thomas Lynley witnesses the falling death of a young man and aids local investigators in a case that tests his loyalty to his former employer. [...]
Thomas Lynley is called back to Scotland Yard when the body of a woman is found stabbed and abandoned in an isolated London cemetery. His former team doesn't trust the leadership of their new department chief, Isabelle Ardery, but Lynley may be the sole person who can see beneath his superior office[...]
Anger . . . Jealousy . . . Gluttony . . . Sloth . . . Lust . . . Greed . . . Pride . . . These are the seven deadly sins, the roots of crime throughout human history. Greed and lust are Two of the Deadliest.New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth George has gathered nearly two dozen chilling, bo[...]
Foundations for the LPC covers the compulsory foundation areas of the Legal Practice Course as set out in the LPC Outcomes: Professional Conduct, Tax/Revenue Law and Wills & Administration of Estates. It also features chapters on EU law and human rights.[...]
While DI Thomas Lynley is still on compassionate leave after the murder of his wife, Isabelle Ardery is brought into the Met as his temporary replacement. The discovery of a body in a Stoke Newington cemetery offers Isabelle the chance to make her mark with a high profile murder investigation. Persu[...]
To this day, the low, thin wail of an infant can be heard in Keldale's lush green valleys. Three hundred years ago, as legend goes, the frightened Yorkshire villagers smothered a crying babe in Keldale Abbey, where they'd hidden to escape the ravages of Cromwell's raiders.
Now into Kelda[...]
The career of playwright Joy Sinclair comes to an abrupt end on an isolated estate in the Scottish Highlands when someone drives and eighteen-inch dirk through her neck. Called upon to investigate the case in a country where they have virtually no authority, aristocratic Detective Inspector Thom[...]
When thirteen-year-old Matthew Whately goes missing from Bredgar Chambers, a prestigious public school in the heart of West Sussex, aristocratic Inspector Thomas Lynley receives a call for help from the lad's housemaster, who also happens to be an old school chum. Thus, the inspector, his partner, [...]
Award-winning author Elizabeth George gives us an early glimpse into the lives of Detective Inspector Thomas Lynley, forensic scientist Simon Allcourt-St. James, and Lady Helen Clyde in a superlative mystery that is also a fascinating inquiry into the crimes of the heart. Lynley, the eighth earl of[...]