Bhajju Shyam - a brilliant artist from the Gond tribe in central India - was commissioned to paint the walls of an Indian restaurant in London, and spent two months in the city. The book that emerged from the journey is a visual travelogue of his first encounter with a western metropolis. With rad[...]
Vad är en nanopartikel? Om man söker med sökmotorn Google på ordet nanopartikel, får man 389 000 träffar. Av antalet träffar förstår man att det är något som ligger i tiden. Många människor har hört ordet, men vad är det för märkligt med nanopartiklar?
I denna bok, NanovÃ[...]
Siena Baba är en glad konstnär som ser världen på sitt eget vis och målar saker som ingen någonsinn sett. Människor tycker att hans målningar är konstiga, men det bekymrar honom inte. Så en dag börjar han måla några egendomliga djur...[...]
The first paperback edition of one of the most popular children's titles from Tara Books. This visually stunning read-aloud book invites young children to count the improbable number of animals that clamber up an ever-expanding tree. Illustrated with art from the Gond tribal tradition of central Ind[...]
This book, which extends pioneering work on Chinese learners in two previous volumes, examines teaching and learning in Chinese societies and advances understanding of 'the Chinese learner' in changing global contexts. Given the burgeoning research in this area, pedagogical shifts from knowledge tra[...]
Retaining the style of its previous editions, this text presents the theory, computational aspects, and applications of vibrations in as simple a manner as possible. With an emphasis on computer techniques of analysis, it gives expanded explanations of the fundamentals, focusing on physical signific[...]
Graphene, a single sheet of graphite, has an unconventional electronic structure that can be described in terms of massless Dirac Fermions. This interesting electronic feature is not only an important fundamental issue in condensed matter physics but also holds future promise in post-Si electronic/s[...]
In 2000, the global community set six goals as part of the Education for All (EFA) agenda. This monograph considers progress towards Goal 1, namely "to expand and improve comprehensive early childhood care and education". The book shows that policy priority and funding for early childhood care and e[...]