Teaching - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Teaching
Visar Resultat (126-150)
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  1. Vocal, Instrumental, and Ensemble Learning and Teaching

    ISBN: 9780190674625 - UTGIVEN: 2018-05

    Vocal, Instrumental, and Ensemble Learning and Teaching is one of five paperback books derived from the foundational two-volume Oxford Handbook of Music Education. Designed for music teachers, students, and scholars of music education, as well as educational administrators and policy makers, this th[...]

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    från 242.00 kr
  2. Key Ideas in Teaching Mathematics

    ISBN: 9780191643415 - UTGIVEN: 2013-02

    Big ideas in the mathematics curriculum for older school students, especially those that are hard to learn and hard to teach, are covered in this book. It will be a first port of call for research about teaching big ideas for students from 9-19 and also has implications for a wider range of students[...]

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    från 0.00 kr
  3. Key Ideas in Teaching Mathematics

    ISBN: 9780191643422 - UTGIVEN: 2013-02

    Big ideas in the mathematics curriculum for older school students, especially those that are hard to learn and hard to teach, are covered in this book. It will be a first port of call for research about teaching big ideas for students from 9-19 and also has implications for a wider range of students[...]

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    från 328.00 kr
  4. Instrumental Teaching (Häftad)


    Janet Mills

    ISBN: 9780193359086 - UTGIVEN: 200709

    What are instrumental lessons for? And why do so many students want to 'give up' when they have only just begun? These are just some of the questions examined in this thought-provoking and entertaining book, which draws on research and on the author's wealth of experience to encourage teachers to bu[...]

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    från 265.00 kr
  5. Focus on Content-Based Language Teaching (Pocket)


    Patsy M. Lightbown

    ISBN: 9780194000826 - UTGIVEN: 2014-03

    Focus on Content-Based Language Teaching highlights important research and evidence-based instructional practices that can overcome these challenges. Extracts from classroom data provide real-life examples of teachers and students interacting with each other in different approaches to content-based [...]

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    från 429.00 kr
  6. Mixed-Ability Teaching (häftad)

    ISBN: 9780194200387 - UTGIVEN: 2016-04

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    från 199.00 kr
  7. Oxford Discover: 2: Integrated Teaching Toolkit (Spiral)

    ISBN: 9780194278164 - UTGIVEN: 2014-05

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    från 518.00 kr
  8. Language Teaching Games and Contests (häftad)

    ISBN: 9780194327169 - UTGIVEN: 1979-09

    Designed to make language learning enjoyable and effective, this book includes games for all age groups and language levels. Each chapter begins with a short introduction, and each game is then explained clearly and practically. The book is especially suitable for use with large classes.[...]

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    från 185.00 kr
  9. Teaching American English Pronunciation

    ISBN: 9780194328159 - UTGIVEN: 1992-06

    This is a comprehensive introduction to teaching the pronunciation of North American English. It includes an illustrated description of the sound system of English, ideas for overcoming pronunciation problems specific to fifteen different languages, and a variety of approaches and techniques for use[...]

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    från 293.00 kr
  10. Techniques in Teaching Writing

    ISBN: 9780194341318 - UTGIVEN: 1983-12

    Practical procedures for teachers to follow at every stage are outlined, including ways to stimulate students to write through pictures, readings and discussions, and ways to respond to student writing as a form of communication.[...]

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    från 236.00 kr
  11. Techniques and Resources in Teaching Reading

    ISBN: 9780194341349 - UTGIVEN: 1994-03

    This book answers both theoretical and practical questions on the teaching of reading. The author offers numerous suggestions on how to teach expository prose, non-prose reading, fiction, poetry and songs, as well as advice on how to help students discern opinion from fact. Textbook examples are com[...]

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    från 243.00 kr
  12. Techniques and Resources in Teaching Grammar (Häftad)


    Marianne Celce-Murcia, Sharon Hilles

    ISBN: 9780194341912 - UTGIVEN: 198804

    The first two chapters of the book address general questions of grammar in ESL theory and classroom practice. These are followed by ideas for the creative teaching of grammar. Included are specific suggestions for teaching most of the common, beginning-level structures, which are listed separately i[...]

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    från 252.00 kr
  13. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching 3rd edition - Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers

    ISBN: 9780194342674 - UTGIVEN: 2013-01

    Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching has influenced the way thousands of teachers have taught English. This classic guide to developing the way you teach has been an essential resource to new and experienced teachers worldwide, and is now in its third edition. Each chapter focuses on a dif[...]

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    från 0.00 kr
  14. Doing Task-Based Teaching - Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers

    ISBN: 9780194342698 - UTGIVEN: 2017-01

    Task-based teaching has created enormous interest among teachers in recent years. But how does the idea of designing tasks (e.g. discussions, problems, games) that encourage learners to use real language work in practice? This book explains the basic principles behind task-based learning and teachin[...]

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    från 371.00 kr
  15. Aspects of Language Teaching (Häftad)


    H.G. Widdowson

    ISBN: 9780194371285 - UTGIVEN: 199004

    Professor Widdowson provides a critical review of the most prominent issues in language teaching today - among them the relevance of theoretical enquiry to practical pedagogy, and the relationship between grammar and discourse in communicative language teaching. He relates these issues to general pe[...]

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    från 209.00 kr
  16. Lexical Phrases and Language Teaching

    ISBN: 9780194371643 - UTGIVEN: 1992-10

    Recent second language acquisition research is used here to present a language teaching programme based on the use of 'prefabricated language'. The authors show that the unit of language they term the 'lexical phrase' can serve as an effective basis for both second and foreign language learning.[...]

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    från 596.00 kr
  17. Teaching Business English

    ISBN: 9780194371674 - UTGIVEN: 1994-06

    What makes teaching Business English different from general teaching? What approaches and techniques work best with job-experienced and pre-experience business learners? These are key questions, whether you are new to the field, or are a practising, experienced teacher of Business Eng[...]

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    från 475.00 kr
  18. Context and Culture in Language Teaching (Häftad)


    Claire J. Kramsch

    ISBN: 9780194371872 - UTGIVEN: 199306

    This is an attempt to redraw the boundaries of foreign language study. It focuses attention not just on cultural knowledge as a necessary aspect of communicative competence, but as an educational objective in its own right, as an end as well as a means of language learning. Winner MLA Kenneth W Mild[...]

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    från 627.00 kr
  19. Teaching English as an International Language: Rethinking Goals and Approaches (Häftad)


    Sandra Lee McKay

    ISBN: 9780194373647 - UTGIVEN: 200204

    English is the major language of international communication, and everyone wants to learn it. But which English, and how? This book questions the cultural assumptions underlying much English teaching, and suggests classroom aims and teaching methods based on the requirements of an international lang[...]

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    från 249.00 kr
  20. Defining Issues in English Language Teaching (Häftad)

    ISBN: 9780194374453 - UTGIVEN: 2003-04

    This book goes back to basics by investigating fundamental assumptions about the way English should be defined and taught as a school subject. It looks at different attitudes to English, and developments in its description, and it critically examines current proposals for the specification of course[...]

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    från 469.00 kr
  21. Teaching Young Language Learners, Second Edition

    ISBN: 9780194403153 - UTGIVEN: 2017-01

    This fully updated second edition provides a comprehensive and readable introduction to teaching young learners. It gives an accessible overview of the issues, including child development, L1 and L2 learning, L2 skills, vocabulary and grammar, learning to learn, materials design, and policy issues. [...]

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    från 490.00 kr
  22. Teaching Young Language Learners (häftad)

    ISBN: 9780194403184 - UTGIVEN: 2017-01

    This fully updated second edition provides a comprehensive and readable introduction to teaching young learners. It gives an accessible overview of the issues, including child development, L1 and L2 learning, L2 skills, vocabulary and grammar, learning to learn, materials design, and policy issues. [...]

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    från 641.00 kr
  23. Introduction to Teaching English

    ISBN: 9780194419758 - UTGIVEN: 2009-07

    Containing easy-to follow description of the language, this book includes accessible lesson plans which provide a blueprint for teachers to use. It aims to offer a good way in to methodology that avoids a lot of technical jargon and theory.[...]

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    från 182.00 kr
  24. Resisting Linguistic Imperialism in English Teaching

    ISBN: 9780194421546 - UTGIVEN: 1999-12

    This book describes the creative strategies employed by teachers and students in periphery communities in order to use the English language in a manner that suits their needs while subtly resisting the linguistic imperialism that many scholars have identified as the consequence of the global ELT ent[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 449.00 kr
  25. Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching (Häftad)


    Rod Ellis

    ISBN: 9780194421591 - UTGIVEN: 200304

    Exploring the relationship between research, teaching and tasks, this text seeks to clarify the issues raised by work in this field. The book shows how research and task-based teaching can mutually inform each other and clarify the areas of task-based course design, methodology and assessment.[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 550.00 kr