This sequel by award-winning author, Deborah Ellis, tells the story of Parvana, travelling alone across a war-ridden Afghanistan in an attempt to find her family. BLDeborah Ellis is the winner of the Governor General's Award in Canada, their equivalent to the Carnegie Medal[...]
Shauzia is Parvana's friend from The Breadwinner. Now Shauzia has fled from Afghanistan, to a refugee camp in Pakistan. But Shauzia has a dream. She dreams of getting away from the refugee camp and travelling to France. There she knows she would find a better life, away from the war in her home coun[...]
Binti's father is dying from AIDS, a disease that nobody in their town in Malawi dares name aloud. As Binti and her brother and sister slowly begin to understand what this means, they begin to realise too that not only is this what killed their mother, but that they could all be infected. But Binti'[...]
Less than 450 years ago, all European scholars believed that the earth was the centre of a universe that was at most a few million miles in extent, and that the planets, sun, and stars all rotated around this centre. Less than 250 years ago, they believed that the universe was created essentially in[...]
Framing is currently a principal concern within the field of discourse analysis. The 'frame' of a given speech-act is its psychological setting. Both the speaker and the hearer have certain expectations based on their perceptions of the frame, and this affects their choice of words and their underst[...]
Focusing on the music of the great song composers-Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Wolf, and Strauss-Poetry Into Song offers a systematic introduction to the performance and analysis of Lieder. Part I, "The Language of Poetry," provides chapters on the themes and imagery of German Romanticism and the met[...]
This is the official text for the National Association of Science Writers. In the eight years since the publication of the first edition of "A Field Guide for Science Writing", much about the world has changed. Some of the leading issues in today's political marketplace - embryonic stem cell researc[...]
This revised edition of Deborah Tannen's first discourse analysis book, "Conversational Style" - first published in 1984 - presents an approach to analyzing conversation that later became the hallmark and foundation of her extensive body of work in discourse analysis, including the monograph "Talkin[...]
Can there be a flaneuse, and what form might she take? This is the central question of Streetwalking the Metropolis, an important contribution to ongoing debates on the city and modernity in which Deborah Parsons re-draws the gendered map of urban modernism. Assessing the cultural and literary histo[...]
Rollercoasters are novels for Key Stage 3, selected by teachers, consultants and students, that really work in the classroom. The Breadwinner is a topical historical novel that explores fully the realities of life in Afghanistan.[...]
Students in the sciences, economics, psychology, social sciences, and medicine take introductory statistics. Statistics is increasingly offered at the high school level as well. However, statistics can be notoriously difficult to teach as it is seen by many students as difficult and boring, if not [...]
Build a firm foundation for success in the Cambridge Checkpoint tests, and ensure your students get the challenge and extension they need to achieve their best in the Cambridge IGCSE. This course matches the new framework and will rigorously prepare students for the strongest achievement at Checkpoi[...]
Family-based studies, including intergenerational, sibling, and twin studies, are increasingly being used to explore life course epidemiology. However, there are issues relating to study design and the statistical analysis of family-based studies that are still not well understood, and comprehending[...]
This is a book about the constitutionalization of the World Trade Organization, and the contemporary development of institutional forms and democratic ideas associated with constitutionalism within the world trading system. It is about constitutionalization enthusiasts who promote institutions, mana[...]