This book was written 30 years ago as the first synthesis of European and Anglo-American methods in vegetation ecology. Upon its publication in 1974, it rapidly became the standard text for the study of vegetation in over 60 US colleges and universities. An unsolicited review appeared in Ecology 56:[...]
Automotive SPICE is a framework for designing and assessing software development processes. If implemented effectively, it leads to better processes and better product quality. It also helps to improve the cooperation among complex supply chains and between globally distributed development and engin[...]
Congratulations You Have the Advantage Now What Welcome to The Chess Puzzle Book 4 - It mostly deals with the important technical question of how to convert a static advantage. As noted by Mark Dvoretsky in his Foreword: "I cannot think of any books with high-quality exercises regarding such topi[...]
The Crucial #1 New York Times Bestseller "The Mueller report is that rare Washington tell-all that surpasses its pre-publication hype...the best book by far on the workings of the Trump presidency." --Carlos Lozada, The Washington Post The only book with exclusive analysis by the Pulitzer Prize-winn[...]
Der Band enth lt die Referate eines internationalen Kolloquiums ber die Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Germanistik und Deutschlehrerausbildung in der Bundesrepublik sowie der ehemaligen DDR. In vier Problembereichen werden im Rahmen der Aufarbeitung deutsch-deutscher Geschichte das spannungsreiche Ver[...]
Muller-Brockmann's book aimed to solve the graphic designer's problem of finding the appropriate contemporary form, became a standard work that still serves as an historic practical guide well beyond the boundaries of Switzerland. This edition is an unabbreviated reconstruction of the original editi[...]
Tragwerke in Holzleimbau gehoren zu den visuell faszinierendsten Arten, weite Raume zu uberspannen. Die Einsatzmoglichkeiten sind bautypologisch vielfaltig und reichen von Dachkonstruktionen uber Hallen bis hin zu Brucken. Die eleganten, schlanken Konstruktionen werden heute immer haufiger fur asthe[...]
Each volume of the Art & Architecture series is opulently illustrated. The highly readable texts provide concentrated information on accessing well-known and less-known sites in the world of art. An image of every piece of art that is described is included, allowing readers to easily recognize[...]
Nach dem deutschen Einfall in Polen, am 1. September 1939, stritt die NS-Führung monatelang darüber, welcher Teil des besetzten Landes in das Deutsche Reich einzugliedern sei. Erst im Januar 1940 gab sie die Gründung des ?Reichsgau Wartheland? bekannt. Der neue Gau, kurz Warthegau genannt, [...]
Cookie Mueller (1949-1989) was a firecracker, a cult figure, a wild child, a writer, a go-go dancer, a mother and a queer icon. A child of suburban 1950s Maryland, she made her name first as an actress in the films of John Waters, and then as an art critic and columnist, a writer of hilarious storie[...]
Den største fortellingen - en bibel for store barn. 53 fortellinger fra Det gamle og Det nye testamentet.Virkelighetsnære, fargerike illustrasjoner bidrar tilå skape en levende gjenfortelling av Guds ord.[...]
Har du modet att leda i en digital och snabbt föränderlig omvärld?
En ny generation medarbetare, blivande chefer och kunder har landat. Denna unga generation är mer internationell, mer social och mer mediaorienterad än deras föräldrar någonsin skulle ha kunnat drömma om. De tar snabbt t[...]
I No Fear beskrivs de förändringar i attityder, tillvägagångssätt och kultur som behövs för att lyckas i ett nytt slags arbetsklimat. Dagens unga generation har förväntningar på att deras chefer och ledare ska vara inspirerande, ansvarstagande, lyhörda och öppna. Du får inte vara rädd [...]
En härlig tygbok om en tiger som skakar när man drar honom i svansen! Barnet kan själv få tigern att skaka i denna underbara bok av mycket hög kvalitet och med ett lekvärde utöver det vanliga!