POWELL - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: POWELL
Visar Resultat (151-175)
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  1. The Advertising Handbook (Pocket)


    Helen Powell, Jonathan Hardy, Iain Macrury, Sarah Hawkin

    ISBN: 9780415423113 - UTGIVEN: 2009-05-22

    An introduction to the practices and perspectives of advertising. It explores the industry and those who work in it and examines the reasons why companies and organizations advertise; how they research their markets; where they advertise and in which media; and the principles and techniques of persu[...]

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    från 319.00 kr
  2. Promotional Culture And Convergence (Pocket)


    Helen Powell

    ISBN: 9780415672801 - UTGIVEN: 2013-04-10

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    från 279.00 kr
  3. The Aging Intellect (Inbunden)


    Douglas H. Powell

    ISBN: 9780415996853 - UTGIVEN: 201106

    "The Aging Intellect" is written for the large number of professionals caring for independently living older people, and provides them with an array of suggestions (beyond exercising and eating right) that can improve, maintain or maximize the quality of their clients' mental abilities for as long a[...]

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    från 330.00 kr
  4. Cone Penetration Testing In Geotechnical Practice (Inbunden)


    T. Lunne, J. J. M. Powell, P.K. Robertson

    ISBN: 9780419237501 - UTGIVEN: 1997-07-17

    The purpose of this book is to provide guidance on the specification, performance, use and interpretation of the Electric Cone Penetration Test (CPU), and in particular the Cone Penetration Test with pore pressure measurement (CPTU) commonly[...]

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    från 3795.00 kr
  5. Rigby Star Guided: Turquoise Level Flyers Pupil Book Single (Pocket)


    Jillian Powell

    ISBN: 9780433029052 - UTGIVEN: 2000-04-15

    James is asked to sort the flyers for the school fete. Butterflies, balloons, birds and even an aeroplane aren't what his teacher had in mind! Nevertheless, James ends up saving the day. Illustrated by Philippe Dupasquier[...]

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    från 80.00 kr
  6. Iron Man (Häftad)


    Jillian Powell

    ISBN: 9780439944953 - UTGIVEN: 2006-09

    Offers what the teacher needs to teach a classic book. This book features speaking and listening activities. It also offers assessment guidance.[...]

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    från 349.00 kr
  7. All You Need to Be Impossibly French: A Witty Investigation Into the Lives, Lusts, and Little Secrets of French Women (Häftad)


    Helena Frith Powell

    ISBN: 9780452287785 - UTGIVEN: 200612

    Exploring French women's passion for looking and feeling good, a British expatriate explains the secrets of French beauty, describing how French women achieve maximum effect with the least amount of effort through their passion for face cream, silk lingerie, and shopping as exercise. Original. 50,00[...]

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    från 112.00 kr
  8. Sustainable Development in the Process Industries: Cases and Impact (Inbunden)


    Editor:j. Harmsen, Editor:joseph B. Powell

    ISBN: 9780470187791 - UTGIVEN: 2010-04-30

    Because of the growing interest among petroleum, recycling, and other industries, sustainability is central to chemical engineers and students. "Sustainable Development in the Process Industry" not only explores but also demonstrates practical solutions for using sustainable technologies, focusing o[...]

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    från 769.00 kr
  9. Management Science: The Art of Modeling with Spreadsheets, 3rd Edition (Inbunden)


    Kenneth R. Baker, Stephen G. Powell

    ISBN: 9780470530672 - UTGIVEN: 2010-11-30

    Now in its third edition, Management Science helps business professionals gain the essential skills needed to develop real expertise in business modeling. The biggest change in the text is the conversion of software from Crystal Ball to Risk Solver to reflect changes in the field. More coverage of[...]

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    från 569.00 kr
  10. Optimal Learning (Häftad)


    Warren B. Powell, Ilya O. Ryzhov

    ISBN: 9780470596692 - UTGIVEN: 2012-04-30

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    från 888.00 kr
  11. Approximate Dynamic Programming: Solving the Curses of Dimensionality (Inbunden)


    Warren B. Powell

    ISBN: 9780470604458 - UTGIVEN: 201109

    Praise for the "First Edition""Finally, a book devoted to dynamic programming and written using the language of operations research (OR) This beautiful book fills a gap in the libraries of OR specialists and practitioners."
    --"Computing Reviews"This new edition showcases a focus on modeling and [...]

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    från 1734.00 kr
  12. ROI of Social Media: How to Improve the Return on Your Social Marketing Inv (Häftad)


    Guy Powell, Steven Groves, Jerry Dimos

    ISBN: 9780470827413 - UTGIVEN: 2011-03-31

    The ROI of Social Media uncovers the tactics and tools used by the largest and most successful corporations and agencies to monitor and measure the return on their investments in social media. Guy R. Powell, Steven W. Groves and Jerry Dimos have done the hard work to uncover and reveal the secrets t[...]

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    från 170.00 kr
  13. ROI of Social Media (e-bok)


    Guy Powell, Steven Groves, Jerry Dimos

    ISBN: 9780470827437

    How to Improve the Return on Your Social MarketingInvestment This book more than adequately covers this increasinglyimportant topic, as social media begins to take its rightful placeon the center stage of not just marketing but a number of businessdisciplines. ROI of Social Media is an excellent ana[...]

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    från 358.00 kr
  14. Beginning XML Databases (Häftad)


    Gavin Powell

    ISBN: 9780471791201 - UTGIVEN: 2006-11-30

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    från 257.00 kr
  15. Scouting for Boys (Häftad)


    Robert Baden-Powell

    ISBN: 9780486457192 - UTGIVEN: 200706

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    från 146.00 kr
  16. The Practical Writer (Pocket)


    Edward P. Bailey, Philip A. Powell

    ISBN: 9780495899778 - UTGIVEN: 2009-05-15

    THE PRACTICAL WRITER provides you with a manageable and accessible step-by-step approach to writing, from the one-paragraph essay to the five-paragraph essay, and beyond it into the research-driven paper. This text clearly and succinctly presents everything you need know to master college-level writ[...]

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    från 1258.00 kr
  17. The Practical Writer With Readings (Pocket)


    Edward P. Bailey, Philip A. Powell

    ISBN: 9780495899792 - UTGIVEN: 2009-05-15

    THE PRACTICAL WRITER WITH READINGS provides you with a manageable and accessible step-by-step approach to writing, from the one-paragraph essay to the five-paragraph essay, and beyond it into the research-driven paper. This text clearly and succinctly presents everything you need know to master coll[...]

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    från 432.00 kr
  18. The Celts (Häftad)


    T.G.E. Powell

    ISBN: 9780500272756 - UTGIVEN: 198307

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    från 116.00 kr