"Macleod's Clinical Diagnosis" is an innovative new book complementing its companion sister textbook, the internationally-respected "Macleod's Clinical Examination". It is a practical manual of clinical assessment that describes how common presenting problems are evaluated and diagnosed in modern cl[...]
Oliver Bulleid was undoubtedly one of the most controversial railway engineers of the 20th century. Born in New Zealand, he joined the GNR in 1901, becoming Gresley's assistant in 1912 and an important influence in Gresley's designs until the mid-1930s. In 1937, he was appointed the CME of the South[...]
Atkinson Grimshaw (1836-93) led an intriguing life, abandoning his job in the Great Northern Railway Company to pursue painting full-time. This volume is the first comprehensive study of the classic English painter, covering the full scope of Grimshaw's career, from his early landscapes to the urban[...]
This autobiography presents the profile of a man who has spent more than half a century living and breathing world cinema - a passion which the press has acknowledged by giving him various nicknames such as 'Monsieur Cinema', 'Mister Cinema', or better still, 'Citizen Cannes'. For over thirty yea[...]
Research Methods in Biomechanics explains how to collect, analyse and interpret various forms of biomechanical data. It covers an extensive range of topics in biomechanics, including inverse dynamics, dynamometry, electromyography, modelling and simulation. The text shows how the laws of motion are [...]
Provides the most up-to-date, innovativbe way to rate clients' physical exertion in your professional practices. You'll be able to expand your knowledge of perceived exertion as used today by health and fitness specialists and clinical therapeutic practitioners.[...]
This title deals with development methods for analysing and quantifying human movement. Research Methods in Biomechanics, Second Edition, demonstrates the range of available research techniques and how to best apply this knowledge to ensure valid data collection. In the highly technical field of bio[...]
Featuring 150 delicious recipes, QUICK-FIX VEGETARIAN provides both novice and long-time cooks with practical and robust vegetarian dishes that can be prepared in less time than it takes to have a pizza delivered. Written by bestselling vegetarian chef Robin Robertson, QUICK-FIX VEGETARIAN is the an[...]
Media power in the global era has to do with how people understand the world, their place in it, and their relation to the others who populate it. Making connections with distant places and people is the work of cosmopolitan imagination, which involves seeing the world through the eyes of others.[...]
This is a comprehensive collection devoted to the work of Sir Walter Scott, drawing on the innovative research and scholarship which have revitalised the study of the whole range of his exceptionally diverse writing in recent years.[...]
Provides the practical knowhow required by technician engineers, systems designers and students. This book focuses on understanding the technologies and their different applications. It provides an introduction to the selection and application of sensors, transducers and switches, and covers the pra[...]
Deals with the structural mechanics of the mass produced integral passenger car body. This work provides an explanation of load paths in the vehicle body-in-white (BIW), based on engineering first principles. It focuses on the conceptual rather than the quantitative aspect of design.[...]
Offers a grounding in the electronics and electrical principles required by service engineers servicing home entertainment equipment such as TVs, CD and DVD machines, as well as commercial equipment including PCs. This edition covers the core units of the Level 2 Progression Award in Electrical and [...]
Combines useful day-to-day electronics information, explanations and practical guidance. This book is a useful companion to those involved in electronics design and construction.[...]
A CD that contains PDF versions of the titles including: "Electrical Engineering 101" (Ashby), "Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers" (Wilmshurst); "Starting Electronics Construction" (Brindley); "Electronics Made Simple 2e (Sinclair)"; and, "Robotics, Mechatronics, and Artificial In[...]
"Electronic and Electrical Servicing - Level 3: Consumer and Commercial Electronics".
Covers the principles that form the foundations for electrical and electronic engineering courses. This book provides coverage of unit 'Electrical and Electronic Principles' of the 2007 BTEC National Engineering specification. It explains theory with many worked examples. It includes suggested pract[...]
Offers coverage of unit 'Further Electrical Principles' of the 2007 BTEC National Engineering specification. This book includes suggested practical assignments and summaries of equations. It is suitable for Level 3 students on vocational courses such as Vocational AS/A Level, City & Guilds courses a[...]
"Electrotherapy Explained" is an excellent research-based exploration of the major types of electrophysical agents used in clinical practice, particularly human and also animal. For the fourth edition, two new authors join the writing team, presenting the latest information for today's clinicians. T[...]
This is a classic guide to a little-known cuisine, with over 65 traditional recipes featuring the best of Welsh cooking. Try the authentic local versions of every day favourites like Welsh Rarebit and Fish Pie, and explore the more unusual dishes of the region such as Cawl Mamgu (lamb and leek stew)[...]