"The Summer Wind" is the second book in Monroe's Lowcountry Summer trilogy, following the "New York Times" bestselling "The Summer Girls." This series is a poignant and heartwarming story of three half-sisters and their grandmother, who is determined to help them rediscover their southern roots and [...]
In the powerful and heartwarming conclusion to her bestselling Lowcountry Summer trilogy, "New York Times" author Mary Alice Monroe brings her readers back to the charm and sultry beauty of Sullivan's Island, South Carolina, to reveal how the pull of family bonds and true love is as strong and stead[...]
Three granddaughters. Three months. One summer house.
In this enchanting trilogy set on Sullivan's Island, South Carolina, New York Times bestselling author Mary Alice Monroe captures the complex relationships between three half sisters scattered across the country--and a grandmother determined [...]
"The Summer Wind" is the second book in Monroe's Lowcountry Summer trilogy, following the "New York Times" bestselling "The Summer Girls." This series is a poignant and heartwarming story of three half-sisters and their grandmother, who is determined to help them rediscover their southern roots and [...]
In the powerful and heartwarming conclusion to her bestselling Lowcountry Summer trilogy, "New York Times" author Mary Alice Monroe brings her readers back to the charm and sultry beauty of Sullivan's Island, South Carolina, to reveal how the pull of family bonds and true love is as strong and stead[...]
A New York Times Best Seller! Since Marilyn Monroe died among suspicious circumstances on the night of August 4, 1962, there have been queries and theories, allegations and investigations, but no definitive evidence about precisely what happened and who was involved ...until now. In The Murder of M[...]
Uncover the real truth behind mass media accounts of how they died, and learn the reason for their murders. These five deaths stopped the whole world in its tracks. We all famously recall where we were and what we were doing when JFK was assassinated, as well as the moments Elvis, Princess Diana, a[...]