Inspired by the Indian Mutiny of 1857, "The Siege of Krishnapur" is set in the fictional town of that name where a British garrison withstands a four-month siege by mutineers. Eventually rescued after undergoing terrible privations, the leading characters all find their ideals tested and their smug [...]
First published in 1766 and a perennial favourite since then, The Vicar of Wakefield is built around the naive but loveable figure of Dr Primrose. He and his family live in rural bliss until disaster threatens to destroy their happiness: abduction, impoverishment and betrayal combine to lay them low[...]
John O'Farrell, author of The Man Who Forgot His Wife, An Utterly Impartial History of Britain and Things Can Only Get Better, turns his comedic genius to the problem of capitalism, encapsulated in a Tube train full of passengers stuck underground - part of a series of twelve books tied to the twelv[...]
Shows you how Anglo-Saxon liberals struggled to be positive about immigration; 'Look I think we have to try and respect the religious customs of our new Viking friends - oi, he's nicked my bloody ox!' This audiobook is about then that is also incisive and illuminating about now. It is a journey thro[...]
A history of modern Britain that informs, elucidates and laughs at the various bizarre events, ridiculous characters and stupid decisions that have shaped Britain's story since 1945.[...]
Essentials For Successful English Language Teaching is about how we teach English Language Learners (ELLs) and how our ELLs learn.[...]
Are you intent on capturing the perfect sunset? A budding photojournalist? Or ready to take your holiday snaps to the next level? The Complete Guide to Digital Photography is your definitive guide to taking, processing and printing sharper, more colourful and better looking pictures. Ian Farrell's e[...]
Pictorial account of the 916 Rising in Dublin, each photograph accompanied by a contemporary picture.[...]
In the Spring of 1857, with India on the brink of a violent and bloody mutiny, Krishnapur is a remote town on the vast North Indian plain. For the British there, life is orderly and genteel. Then the sepoys at the nearest military cantonment rise in revolt and the British community retreats with s[...]
Singapore just before the Japanese invasion in the Second World War: the Blackett family's prosperous world of tennis parties, cocktails and deferential servants seems unchanging. But it is poised on the edge of the abyss: This is the eve of the Fall of Singapore and, as we know, of much else beside[...]
At the Auckland Writers and Readers Festival recently, Fiona Farrell was the star of the opening night with her stories of the Christchurch earthquake - this book takes those stories and gives them weight and heft and context. Fiona Farrell's meandering travel book shows how an earthquake can change[...]
There's nothing like a severe, unexpected, world-wide recession to get one's entrepreneurial juices flowing. After the initial shock and trauma pass, it finally hits home that you can't trust anyone to run the damn economy and save your job are truly on your own in this crazy and uncertain 21[...]
India, 1857 - the year of the Great Mutiny, when Muslim soldiers turned in bloody rebellion on their British overlords. This book offers a take on the many traditions and follies of Empire. It is an account of survival under siege, illuminating how extreme conditions can influence and affect people'[...]
There is a huge amount of information available on the how's and why's of performance testing .NET applications, but it is often fairly subjective, narrow in scope, or doesn't quite cover everything you were hoping to learn. The Complete Guide to Performance Testing and Optimizing .NET Applications [...]
Experience the Primal Spiritual Path of Ancient Egypt The spiritual traditions of Ancient Egypt are well documented and are at the forefront of the Western Mystery and Magical Tradition. But they are a gloss over a more primal "shamanic" tradition which gets to the essence of Nature and its relation[...]
Imagination is our inner vision, our human skill to see different realities. It can take us to the throne of God, it can connect us to the stream of infinity and allow us to see the universe for what it really is. Controlled use of the imagination is fundamental to magical practice, and this compre[...]
For the centennial of Farrell's birth, here is a collector's edition of his classic Studs Lonigan trilogy. An unparalleled example of American naturalism, the trilogy follows the hopes and dissipations of its remarkable main character--a would-be "tough guy" and archetypal adolescent.[...]
Physicist Joseph Farrellis amazing sequel to 'The Giza Death Star' which takes us from the Great Pyramid of Giza to the asteroid belt and the so-called Pyramids of Mars. Farrell expands on his thesis that the Great Pyramid was a chemical maser, designed as a weapon and eventually deployed with disas[...]
Why were the Allies worried about an atom bomb attack by the Germans in 1944? Why did the Soviets threaten to use poison gas against the Germans? Why did Hitler in 1945 insist that holding Prague could win the war for the Third Reich? Why did US General George Patton's Third Army race for the Skoda [...]
In this third and final book of the "Giza Death Star trilogy", Physicist Farrell recapitulates the function of the 10,000-year-old Giza military complex and recounts the final destruction of this gigantic machine - a machine that was destroyed by a great explosion within. With the destruction of the[...]